Class: DirectlyConnectedDevice

iotcs.device.util.DirectlyConnectedDevice(taStoreFileopt, taStorePasswordopt, gatewayopt)

new DirectlyConnectedDevice(taStoreFileopt, taStorePasswordopt, gatewayopt)

A directly-connected device is able to send messages to, and receive messages from, the IoT server. When the directly-connected device is activated on the server, the server assigns a logical-endpoint identifier. This logical-endpoint identifier is required for sending messages to, and receiving messages from, the server.

The directly-connected device is able to activate itself using the direct activation capability. The data required for activation and authentication is retrieved from a TrustedAssetsStore generated using the TrustedAssetsProvisioner tool using the Default TrustedAssetsManager.

This object represents the low-level API for the directly-connected device and uses direct methods for sending or receiving messages.

Name Type Attributes Description
taStoreFile string <optional>
The trusted assets store file path to be used for trusted assets manager creation. This is optional. If none is given the default global library parameter is used:
taStorePassword string <optional>
The trusted assets store file password to be used for trusted assets manager creation. This is optional. If none is given the default global library parameter is used:
gateway boolean <optional>
true to indicate creation of a GatewayDevice representation.


(static) close()

This method will close this directly connected device (client) and all it's resources. All monitors required by the message dispatcher associated with this client will be stopped, if there is one.

(static) createStorageObject(arg1, arg2) → (nullable) {iotcs.StorageObject}

Create a new iotcs.enterprise.StorageObject.

The createStorageObject method works in two modes:

1. client.createStorageObject(name, type) - Creates a new iotcs.StorageObject with
   the given object name and mime–type.

      {string} name - The unique name to be used to reference the content in storage.
      {?string} [type] - The mime-type of the content. If type is
                         null or undefined, the mime–type
                         defaults to iotcs.StorageObject.MIME_TYPE.

      {iotcs.StorageObject} A StorageObject.

2. client.createStorageObject(uri, callback) - Creates a new iotcs.StorageObject from
   the URL for a named object in storage and returns it in a callback. Creates a new
   iotcs.ExternalObject if using an external URI.

      {string} url - The URL of the object in the storage cloud.
      {function(storage, error)} callback - The callback called once getting storage data
Name Type Description
arg1 string The first argument.
arg2 string | function The second argument.
a iotcs.StorageObject, or null.

(static) getDeviceModel(deviceModelUrn, callback)

Get the device model for the specified device model URN.
Name Type Description
deviceModelUrn string The URN of the device model.
callback function The callback function. This function is called with the following argument: a deviceModel object holding full description e.g. { name:"", description:"", fields:[...], created:date, isProtected:boolean, lastModified:date ... }. If an error occurs the deviceModel object is null and an error object is passed: callback(deviceModel, error) and the reason can be taken from the error.message.

(static) getEndpointId() → {string}

Return the logical-endpoint identifier of this directly-connected device. The logical-endpoint identifier is assigned by the server as part of the activation process.
The logical-endpoint identifier of this directly-connected device.

(static) isActivated() → {boolean}

This will return the directly connected device state.
true if the device is activated.

(static) offer(messages)

Offer messages to be sent to the server. Whether or not the messages are sent depends on policies that have been configured for the attributes in the message. If there are no policies for the attributes in the message, then this call is equivalent to calling send(Message...). Depending on the policies, it is possible that all, some, or none of the messages will be sent.
Name Type Description
messages Array.<iotcs.message.Message> The message to be offered.
  • Error - If all the messages cannot be added to the queue.
  • Error - If messages is null or empty.

(static) receive(timeoutopt, callback)

This method is used for retrieving messages. The DirectlyConnectedDevice uses an internal buffer for the messages received that has a size of 4192 bytes. When this method is called and there is at least one message in the buffer, the first message from the buffer is retrieved. If no message is in the buffer, a force send of an empty message is tried so to see if any messages are pending on the server side for the device and if there are, the buffer will be filled with them and the first message retrieved.
Name Type Attributes Description
timeout number <optional>
The forcing for retrieving the pending messages will be done this amount of time.
callback function The callback function. This function is called with the first message received or null is no message is received in the timeout period.

(static) send(messages, callback)

This method is used for sending messages to the server. If the directly connected device is not activated an exception will be thrown. If the device is not yet authenticated the method will try first to authenticate the device and then send the messages.
Name Type Description
messages Array.<iotcs.message.Message> An array of the messages to be sent.
callback function The callback function. This function is called with the messages that have been sent and in case of error the actual error from sending as the second parameter.
