

The device and enterprise client libraries simplify working with the Oracle IoT Cloud Service. These client libraries are a low–level abstraction over top of messages and REST APIs. Device clients are primarily concerned with sending data and alert messages to the cloud service, and acting upon requests from the cloud service. Enterprise clients are primarily concerned with monitor and control of device endpoints.


The client must have a configuration in order to communicate with the cloud service. This configuration includes the IoT Cloud Service host, the identifier of the device or enterprise integration the client represents, and the shared secret of the device or enterprise integration.

The configuration is created by using the provisioner tool: provisioner.js. This tool creates a file that is used when running the client application. Usage is available by running the tool with the -h argument.

Device and Enterprise Clients

- Register your device and/or enterprise application with the Cloud Service.
- Provision the device with the credentials obtained from above.
- Optionally provision the device model.


Device Client Quick Start

//The following steps must be taken to run a device-client application.
//The example shows a GatewayDevice. A DirectlyConnectedDevice is identical,
//except for registering indirectly-connected devices.

// 1. Initialize device client

     let gateway = new iotcs.device.util.GatewayDevice(configurationFilePath, password);

// 2. Activate the device

     if (!gateway.isActivated()) {
         gateway.activate([], (device, error) => {
             if (!device || error) {
                 //handle activation error

// 3. Register indirectly-connected devices

         {serialNumber: 'someNumber',
         manufacturer: 'someManufacturer',
         modelNumber: 'someModel'}, ['urn:myModel'],
         (response, error) => {
             if (!response || error) {
                 //handle enroll error
             indirectDeviceId = response;

// 4. Register handler for attributes and actions

     let messageDispatcher = new iotcs.device.util.MessageDispatcher(gateway);
         requestMessage => {
             //handle attribute update and validation
             return iotcs.message.Message.buildResponseMessage(requestMessage, iotcs.StatusCode.OK, {}, iotcs.StatusCode.OK_MESSAGE, '');

// 5. Send data from the indirectly-connected device

     let message = new iotcs.message.Message();
         .format('urn:com:oracle:iot:device:humidity_sensor' + ":attributes");
     message.dataItem('humidity', sensor.humidity);
     message.dataItem('maxThreshold', sensor.maxThreshold);

// 6. Dispose the device client


Enterprise Client Quick Start

//The following steps must be taken to run an enterprise-client application.

// 1. Initialize enterprise client

     iotcs.enterprise.EnterpriseClient.newClient(applicationName, (client, error) => {
         if (!client || error) {
             //handle client creation error
         ec = client;

// 2. Select a device

     ec.getActiveDevices('urn:myModelUrn').page('first').then((response, error) => {
         if (!response || error) {
             //handle get device model error
             response.items.forEach(item => {
                 //handle select of an item as a device
                 device = item;

// 3. Monitor a device

     messageEnumerator = new iotcs.enterprise.MessageEnumerator(ec);
     messageEnumerator.setListener(device.id, 'ALERT', items => {
         items.forEach(item => {
             //handle each item as a message received from the device

// 4. List the resources of a device

     resourceEnumerator = new iotcs.enterprise.ResourceEnumerator(ec, device.id);
     resourceEnumerator.getResources().page('first').then(response => {
             response.items.forEach(item => {
                 //handle each item as a resource
     }, error => {
         //handle error on enumeration

// 5. Dispose the enterprise client


Storage Cloud Quick Start

// This shows how to use the messaging API to upload content to,
// or download content from, the Oracle Storage Cloud Service.
// To upload or download content, there must be an attribute, field,
// or action in the device model with type URI.
// When creating a DataItem for an attribute, field, or action of type URI,
// the value is set to the URI of the content in cloud storage.

// Uploading/downloading content without Storage Dispatcher

    let storageObjectUpload = gateway.createStorageObject("uploadFileName", "image/jpg");

    let messageDispatcher = new iotcs.device.util.MessageDispatcher(gateway);
        requestMessage => {
            //handle URI attribute validation, get URI from request message
            gateway.createStorageObject(URI, (storageObjectDownload, error) => {
                 if (error) {
                     // error handling
                 // only download if image is less than 4M
                 if (storageObjectDownload.getLength() <  4 * 1024 * 1024) {
                     // downloadCallback have to send response massage
                     // using messageDispatcher.queue method
            return iotcs.message.Message.buildResponseWaitMessage();

// Uploading/downloading content with Storage Dispatcher

    let storageDispatcher = new iotcs.device.util.StorageDispatcher(gateway);
    storageDispatcher.onProgress = (progress, error) => {
         if (error) {
             // error handling
         let storageObject = progress.getStorageObject();
         if (progress.getState() === iotcs.StorageDispatcher.Progress.State.COMPLETED) {
             // image was uploaded
             // Send message with the storage object name
             let message = new iotcs.message.Message();
                  .format('CONTENT_MODEL_URN' + ":attributes");
             message.dataItem('CONTENT_ATTRIBUTE', storageObject.getURI());

         } else if (progress.getState() === iotcs.StorageDispatcher.Progress.State.IN_PROGRESS) {
             // if taking too long time, cancel

    let storageObjectUpload = gateway.createStorageObject("uploadFileName", "image/jpg");
