Incident Management - General Aspects

The Incidents menu provides information about the count of service requests associated with your services and environments, and the trends in the number of such service requests.

By default, information on the Incidents Dashboard view is displayed as of the current day, information on the Incidents List view is displayed for the current month, while information on the Incidents Chart view is displayed for three months prior to the current month. For information on how to display all open service requests, as well as service requests in a particular month or period across the previous year, see the Generating Reports for Different Time Periods section in Working with Oracle Pulse.


Only valid timeframes can be selected, where the end date is higher than the start date.

You can click the widgets and charts on the Incidents Dashboard and Chart views to open detailed table views, as explained in Using the KPI Widget Table View and Using the Chart Table View. Then use the table views to:

  • open the SR Detail page on the My Oracle Support portal. To do this, click any row in the table.


    This option is available only for the widget table view.

  • sort records, as explained in the Sorting Records section in Working with Oracle Pulse.

Use the various filters included with Oracle Pulse to easily identify the service requests of interest, as explained in Filtering Records, or search for specific service requests, as explained in Searching for Records.

Using the KPI Widget Table View

If there is at least one open service request associated with your organization's production and nonproduction environments, you can click anywhere inside the widget to open the corresponding table. Each record in the table shows the following information for the corresponding service request:

  • SR ID: Specifies the SR identifier from My Oracle Support.

  • Environment: Indicates the environment the service request is associated with.

  • Subject: Provides a short description of the service request, as entered in My Oracle Support.

  • Create Date (UTC): Specifies the date when the service request was created.

  • Update Date (UTC): Specifies the date when the service request was updated.

  • Severity: Specifies the impact that the service request has on your organization's services.

  • Status: Indicates whether the service request is open or closed.

  • Sub Status: Indicates where the service request resides in the lifecycle. Examples include New, Customer Working, Auto-Close.

Using the Chart Table View

Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of a chart to open the table view in expanded mode. The table view lists detailed records for all open service requests associated with your organization's services:

  • SR ID: Specifies the SR identifier from My Oracle Support.

  • Subject: Provides a short description of the service request, as entered in My Oracle Support.

  • Severity: Specifies the impact that the service request has on your organization's services.

  • Contact: Specifies the name of the contact person for the service request.

  • Status: Indicates whether the service request is open or closed.

  • Sub Status: Indicates where the service request resides in the lifecycle. Examples include New, Customer Working, Auto-Close.

  • Source: Represents the source from where the service request was created.

  • Create Date (UTC): Specifies the date when the service request was created.

  • Closed Date (UTC): Specifies the date when the service request was closed. For service requests that have not been closed yet, this column is blank.

  • Service Description: Indicates the friendly name of the service.

  • Service Name: Indicates the service the service request is associated with.

  • Environment: Indicates the environment the service request is associated with.

  • Component Name: Indicates the component type.

  • Subcomp Name: Indicates the service request subcomponent category.

  • Product Name: Indicates the product the service request is associated with in My Oracle Support.

  • Update Date (UTC): Specifies the date when the service request was updated.

  • Contact Email: Specifies the email address of the contact person for the service request.

  • Related SRs: Specifies the identifiers of other service requests in My Oracle Support, if any, that are related to the service request.