Viewing Alerts from the Alerts List

The Alerts list available through the Home page allows administrators and users to view and work with alerts. This includes alerts for Reconciliation Compliance and Transaction Matching.

To access the Alerts list:

  1. On the Home page, click Alerts.
  2. The Alerts page displays Open alerts. Click the Name of alert to work on it.

    To view Transaction Matching alerts, remove the Period filter.

    Alerts list

    The list displays the following:

    • Alert ID
    • Alert Name
    • Status
    • Alert Type
    • Priority
    • Closed Date

    You can filter the list and select the columns that you want to display.

    If this is the first time you are accessing the Alerts list, the Status filter is displayed by default. This enables you to view all alerts that you need to work on, regardless of the period with which the alerts are associated. If you have previously accessed the Alerts List, the filters that you had previously selected, including the Period filter, are displayed.


    Alerts and their status are also displayed at the top of the list on the Worklist card.

When you open an alert, the system displays the alert information and a work area. The top bar displays the object name. The Alert ID and Alert Name is displayed. The Actions menu contains available action options depending on your role and the workflow for the alert.

If one of these actions is available, it is displayed as a separate button in the top bar:

  • Submit

  • Approve

  • Reject

  • Claim

  • Release

  • Request Information

  • Reopen

The Summary board displays a graphic summary of the alert status. The items displayed depend on the workflow.

  • Days Left - Indicates the days left before the alert is due to be resolved. If the alert is being worked on by a user, it will show the days remaining for their part of the workflow. Otherwise, it will show the overall days remaining.

    If there are only hours left, this is displayed as Hours Left or Minutes Left. If it is beyond the End Date value, then it displays Days Past Due.

  • Priority - Displays the current priority of the alerts.

  • New Comments - Displays the number of comments that you have not yet viewed

  • Questions - Displays the number of questions that you are required to answer before being able to submit or approve the alert.

  • Attributes - Displays the number of attributes you are required to set before being able to submit or approve the alert.

  • Alerts - Displays the number of open alerts associated with this alert.

Working with Alerts from Reconciliations or Transactions

To work with alerts from Reconciliations or Transactions:

  1. From Reconciliations or Transactions, click the Alerts tab on the right side.
  2. From the Alerts drawer, click on an alert name to drill down and view additional detail about the alert, or select an alert and click Open.
  3. Other actions you can take from the alert:
  4. To refresh the alert list, click Refresh.


For Transaction Matching alerts, transactions in the Associated Objects card are grouped based on the data source. To view details about the transactions, click the data source name. This redirects you to the Transactions Search tab on the Matching card. It displays the transactions that are associated with this alert.