Process Flow: Exporting Adjustments or Transactions as Journal Entries

Users create adjustments and load transactions into Transaction Matching during normal operations. These adjustments or transactions can be exported as journal entries using an Export Journals job.

The process flow for exporting adjustments or transactions in Transaction Matching includes the following tasks:

  1. Create global attributes for adjustment types and support types.

    See Creating Global Adjustment and Support Attributes.

  2. Define the journal columns.

    See Defining the Journal Columns.

  3. Map transaction or adjustment attributes to journal attributes.

    See Mapping Attributes to Journal Attributes.

  4. (Optional) Use filters on transactions.

    See Applying Filters to Transactions in a Data Source.

  5. Export journal entries to a text file.

    See Exporting Adjustments as Journal Entries or Exporting Transactions as Journal Entries.

Refer to the following topics for detailed instructions about loading exported journal entries: