Lookup/static transformation

A transformation type of Lookup/static will transform values from the source field to a new value in the data model attribute.

Note: When transforming attributes with the string data type, the transformed attribute can have up to 500 characters. Transformed attributes with the text data type can have up to 8,000 characters. Learn more about Data types.

To configure a lookup/static map transformation:

  1. Locate the data model attribute for which you want the incoming source field transformed, and then click its Transform link. The Transform dialog is displayed, and it shows the source fields (source) and schema attributes (target).
  2. An image of the Transform link

  3. Use the Transformation type list to select Lookup/static.

Continue defining how to apply the transformation to the ingested data.

Define fixed values

Use the toggle for Always use a fixed value to define how to transform the data.

  • When Always use a fixed value is turned on, Oracle Unity will transform all ingested values with a new value, regardless of what that incoming value is.

  • When Always use a fixed value is turned off, Oracle Unity will only transform a value you define with a new value.

Always use a fixed value turned on

Follow these steps to replace all ingested values with a new value, regardless of the incoming value.

Example: You want to import behavioral data into Oracle Unity from separate files based on channel (email, SMS, and so on). To store this data into the Event data object, you would transform all existing values in the Medium attribute from the email file to "Email", the SMS file to "SMS", and so on.

To replace all ingested values with a new value:

  1. Toggle Always use a fixed value on.

  2. An image of the toggle for Always use a fixed value

  3. Enter the fixed value in the field provided.

  4. An image of the input field for static transformations

  5. If needed, Define unmatched values for the attribute.

  6. An image of the toggle for skipping unmatched values

  7. Click Apply.

Always use a fixed value turned off

Follow these steps to only transform a specific value you define with a new value.

Example: You want to change the format of Gender attribute values, so you transform Male to M, Female to F, Non-binary to X, and so on.

To replace a specific value from the imported file to a new value:

  1. Toggle Always use a fixed value off.

  2. An image for the toggle for Always use a fixed value

  3. Use the drop-down list to select the existing value to replace.

  4. An image of the drop-down list for not using a fixed value

    • To replace a specific value, select Equals. In the next input field, enter the source file value that needs to be replaced with the value given in third input field. In the third input field, enter the new value that will be ingested into Oracle Unity.

    • An image of the input fields for replacing values

    • To replace the incoming empty or null values, select Empty or null. In the next input field, enter the new value (for example, "not applicable" or "N/A") that will be ingested into Oracle Unity.

    • An image of the input field for replacing empty/null values

  5. To enter a new transformation, click AddAn image of the add button. .

  6. An image of the add button

  7. If you need to remove a static transformation mapping, use the Delete button An image of the delete button. .

  8. An image of the delete button

  9. If needed, Define unmatched values for the attribute.

  10. An image of the toggle for skipping unmatched values

  11. When done, click Apply.

Define unmatched values

Use the toggle for Skip the unmatched value to define how to transform data that doesn't match any existing Static/Lookup transformations you have defined.

  • When Skip the unmatched value is turned on, Oracle Unity will only update ingested values that are defined in the list of Static/Lookup transformations.

  • When Skip the unmatched value is turned off, Oracle Unity will update all existing values with ingested values.

Skip the unmatched value turned on

Turn Skip the unmatched value on so that Oracle Unity will only update existing data model values for the attribute with ingested values if they are specifically defined in the list of Static/Lookup transformations.

Example: You toggle Skip the unmatched value on and Always use a fixed value off. You also define the following transformations for the Country attribute: USA to United States and IND to India. Review below how the data will be ingested, transformed, and processed in the Oracle Unity data model.

An image showing how to skip unmatched values

Existing data model values

These are the existing values that display in the Data viewer.

ID Country

Ingested values

These are the values in the source file for the Ingest job you create. The ingested file has new values for IDs 3 and 4.

ID Country

Data model values after completion of ingest job and data warehouse job

These are values that display in the Data viewer after you run the ingest job and the Data warehouse job processes the data in the data model.

ID Country
1 United States
2 India
  • ID 1 transformed from USA to United States, as defined in the Static/Lookup transformation example.

  • ID 2 transformed from IND to India, as defined in the Static/Lookup transformation example.

  • ID 3 was processed as the existing data model value of CAN, even though the ingested value was FRA. This is because:

    • Skip the unmatched value was turned on.

    • The new value, FRA, was not defined in the list of transformations.

    • Because FRA was not defined in the list of transformations, the existing value, CAN, was not replaced with the ingested value.

  • ID 4 was processed as the existing data model value of USA, even though the ingested value was MEX. This is because:

    • Skip the unmatched value was turned on.

    • The transformation of USA to United States only applies to the ingested value of USA, not the existing data model value of USA.

    • The new value, MEX, was not defined in the list of transformations.

    • Because MEX was not defined in the list of transformations, the existing value, USA, was not replaced with the ingested value and not transformed.

Skip the unmatched value turned off

Turn Skip the unmatched value off so that Oracle Unity will update all existing data model values for the attribute with ingested values.

Example: You toggle Skip the unmatched value off and Always use a fixed value off. You also define the following transformations for the Country attribute: USA to United States and IND to India. Review below how the data will be ingested, transformed, and processed in the Oracle Unity data model.

An image showing how to not skip unmatched values

Existing data model values

These are the existing values that display in the Data viewer.

ID Country

Ingested values

These are the values in the source file for the Ingest job you create. The ingested file has new values for IDs 3 and 4.

ID Country

Data model values after completion of ingest job and data warehouse job

These are values that display in the Data viewer after you run the ingest job and the Data warehouse job processes the data in the data model.

ID Country
1 United States
2 India
  • ID 1 transformed from USA to United States, as defined in the Static/Lookup transformation example.

  • ID 2 transformed from IND to India, as defined in the Static/Lookup transformation example.

  • ID 3 and ID 4 were updated with the ingested values because Oracle Unity didn't skip the unmatched transformation values of FRA and MEX.

Learn more

Creating ingest jobs

Concatenation transformation

Date transformation

URL transformation

Hash transformation

Prefix-Suffix transformation

Replace transformation

Substring transformation

Trim transformation

Padding transformation

RegEx Advanced transformation

transform, transformation, lookup/static, lookup/static transformation, ingest job