Working with Note Templates

Using Report Designer, you can insert a Note Template (text entry object) into a report. You can create and insert a new Note Template or insert a previously created Note Template.

To create a Note Template:

Tasks Perform these Sub Tasks For More Information
Inserting a Note Box into a report

To insert a Note Template, perform an action:

  • From the toolbar, click add icon and select Note.

  • You can insert a Note box. In the Report Designer, from the report body, right-click and select Add Report Content, and then select Note.

  • In a blank report, select Note.

After inserting a Note box in a report, you can move or resize the Note box.

Inserting a Note Box into a Report
Setting up the Note Template

You can setup the Note Template, by selecting an option:

  • To create a new Note Template, select a data source.

  • To use an Existing Note, select an existing Note Template.

Setting up the Note Template
Setting the Properties

You can set the properties:

Properties control the Note Template, such as Name, Description, Data Source, Character Limit, and Format.

Setting the Properties
Optionally add a Placeholder Text in the Note Template

You can enter optional placeholder text in the Note Template:

  • The text is displayed in the Note box when previewing the report.

  • If you change the placeholder text that affects all the reports, where the Note Template is inserted, where a Note has not yet been entered.

Entering a Placeholder Text in the Note Template
Setting the Dimension Layout

From the dimension layout overlay, you can reorder, add or remove dimensions in the Note Template Point of View.

Setting the Dimension Layout
Setting the POV Options

You can select the required POV members for the Note Template in the report and set POV options.

Setting Up the Point of View Selections and Options
Saving the Note Template

Save the Note Template to the repository.

All Note Templates can be shared across reports, they are not saved with the report.

Saving the Note Template

Watch this tutorial video, you’ll learn how to create and manage note templates in Reports.

video icon -- Creating and Managing Note Templates.