Chrome: Sideloading and Logging In

Sideloading on a browser is a way for you to test the Oracle Smart View for Office (Mac and Browser) add-in before deploying it to a wider audience.



The steps in this section are for enabling Smart View in Chrome. Support and instructions for other browsers to be provided in a future update.

Sideloading on Chrome

In this procedure, you'll learn how to quickly sideload the Smart View ribbon in to Excel 365 running on the Chrome browser.


The steps in this procedure assume that you either have not previously deployed Smart View or that you have cleared the browser cache before you begin.

To sideload the manifest file on Chrome:

  1. Launch Chrome.
  2. Log in to the web application in your test environment before logging in to Office 365 and Smart View.

    For example, if you created a manifest file while logged in to an environment called "pbcspod," then launch Planning on "pbcspod" and log in.


    You must run the service in the browser before logging in to Smart View.
  3. Open another tab in the browser and log in to using your Office 365 credentials.
  4. Click on Excel and create a new blank workbook.
  5. Go to the Home ribbon, and in the Add-ins section, click More Add-ins.
  6. In the Office Add-ins dialog, select My Add-ins, and then select Upload My Add-in.
  7. Browse to the location of the manifest file you created in Creating and Saving the Manifest File.
  8. Select the manifest XML file you created and click Upload.

    You’ll see the tab for the Smart View ribbon and, because you logged in to the environment in step 2, click Home in the Smart View ribbon and you should also see your environment’s library folders and cubes in the Smart View Home panel.

  9. Optional: If you plan to sideload multiple manifest files, repeat the steps above for each manifest you want to sideload.

    See Working with Multiple Manifest Files for information on sideloading multiple manifest files.

Logging in to Smart View on Excel 365 on Chrome

If you are continuing with login immediately after sideloading the Smart View add-in, then you should already be logged in to Oracle Essbase or an Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud service, such as Planning.

If you sideloaded the Smart View add-in in an earlier session, and are not already logged in to an EPM Cloud cloud service, then complete the following procedure to log in to Office 365, your EPM Cloud service, and Smart View.

  1. In Chrome, log in to the web application in your test environment before logging in to Office 365 and Smart View.

    For example, if you created a manifest file while logged in to an environment called "pbcspod," then launch Planning on pbcspod and log in.


    You must have the service running in the browser before logging in to Smart View.

  2. Open another tab in the browser and log in to using your Office 365 credentials.
  3. Click on Excel and create a new blank workbook.
  4. Go to the Home ribbon, and in the Add-ins section, click More Add-ins.
  5. In the Office Add-ins dialog, select My Add-ins, and then select Upload My Add-in.
  6. Browse to the location of the manifest file you created in Creating and Saving the Manifest File.
  7. Select the manifest XML file you created and click Upload.

  8. Select the Smart View ribbon.

  9. Click Home to launch the Smart View Home panel.

    You should already be logged in to the environment and see the environment library folders and cubes in the Home panel.

    If the Home panel is grayed out, this is a temporary bug. Perform these steps:

    1. Acknowledge the error messages; that is, let the panel time out and click the Retry button, and then time out again and click the Start button.

      The Home panel should no longer be gray.

    2. Log in using your credentials for the environment.

      You'll see the web page for the provider in the panel.

    3. Close the panel.

    4. Click the Home button again.

      You're now connected to the environment and should now see the environment's library folders and cubes in the panel.