Accessing the Dimension Editor

Use the Dimension Editor to edit the properties of dimensions and members.

To access the Dimension Editor:

  1. From the Home page, select Application, and then Overview.
  2. On the Application page, select the Dimensions tab.

  3. Select a cube, and then click the name of a dimension.

    The Dimension Editor is opened with the Edit Member Properties page displayed.

  4. Navigate between the following tabs:

    Edit Member Properties tab Edit Member Properties, where you can view and edit dimension members. See Editing Member Properties.

    Edit Dimension Properties tab Edit Dimension Properties, where you can view and edit dimension details. See Editing Dimension Properties.


In addition to managing dimensions in the Dimension Editor discussed here, you can also use the Classic Dimension Editor, which is accessed by using the Dimensions link in the Navigator menu. See Administrative Tasks Accessed from the Navigator.