Replacing Members in Rules

You can find and replace members in one or more rules. As you are finding and replacing members, you can specify a specific member to replace, or you can specify the member for a dimension in the destination to be the same as the member selected for a dimension in the source.

You specify member replacement in the Find and Replace dialog box. Complete these steps:

  1. From the Home page, select Modeling, and then Designer.

  2. Select the Mass Edit tab.

  3. Make selections for Model, Rule Set, and Rule Type.

  4. Optional: Further refine the rules displayed by searching for and filtering rules. See Filtering Which Rules Are Displayed.

  5. Select the rules for which you want to replace members, or select the checkbox by Name to select all the rules displayed on the Mass Edit tab after any filters have been applied.

  6. Select Actions, and then Replace Member.

  7. Select an option:

  8. Click OK in the Information window that is displayed letting you know that the Rules Replace Member job has been submitted successfuly.

  9. Optional: Go to the Jobs console and verify that the members were successfully replaced.

    The job is displayed in the Jobs console with a "Completed" or "Completed with Errors" status. You can select the job to see details about the job and troubleshoot any errors that may have occurred. See Viewing Rules Jobs.

Specifying a Specific Member to Replace

To find and replace a member in one or more rules, enter the following information in the Find and Replace dialog box:

  • Dimension: Select the dimension for which you would like to replace a member.

  • Select Replace Member.

  • Find Member: Enter the member to find. Either type in the member name, or click Find Member icon and select a member from the Select Members dialog box. See Using the Member Selector.


    If you delete a member that was used in multiple rules, you can enter the deleted member in the Find Member field, and then use the Replace Member field to replace that member reference with another member selected from the dimension hierarchy.

  • Replace Member: Enter the replacement member. Either type in the member name, or click Find Member icon and select a member from the Select Members dialog box. See Using the Member Selector.

  • Rule Component: Select the rule component to which you would like to add a member.

    Source, Destination, Driver Basis, and Offset apply to Allocation rules, and Target applies to Custom rules.

  • Preserve Filters: If selected, any filters defined on the Mass Edit tab are applied to the replaced member. (See Filtering Which Rules Are Displayed.)

  • Job Comment: Enter a note or comment about the job that will be displayed in the Job Details accessed from the Jobs console.

Specifying the Replacment Member to be the Same as Source

To replace member selections for a rule destination dimension to be the same as the member selection in the source, enter the following information in the Find and Replace dialog box:

  • Dimension: Select the dimension for which you would like to replace a member.

  • Select Change to Same as Source.

  • Rule Component: "Destination" is automatically selected as the rule component.

  • Job Comment: Enter a note or comment about the job that will be displayed in the Job Details accessed from the Jobs console.


When you select Change to Same as Source for a dimension, any existing destination member selections for that dimension are removed for all rules on the Mass Edit tab.


For information on setting the destination to Same as Source when defining an allocation destination, see Setting the Destination to Same As Source.