Troubleshoot Routing

If the routing results are not what you expect, try the solutions in this section.

Symptom Possible Explanations and Solutions
More than one resource is in the same neighborhood over the course of the day. How can this be the most efficient route?
  • The application considers a number of factors when routing activities, including work skills and preferred resources. The resource that was already in the neighborhood might not be qualified to take the other activity in the neighborhood, or might be required on an activity at the same time in another location.

  • The application optimizes routing for the entire workforce, not just one or two individual resources. As a result, you might occasionally notice an individual route that seems to be less than optimal, but overall, the results of the entire routing run are optimized.

  • To verify the optimization of the routing run for the entire bucket, view the statistics in the Routing Report.

Resources are crossing paths over the course of the day. How can this be an efficient route?
A resource is travelling a long distance to reach an activity even though another resource appears to be closer to the activity. How can this be an efficient route?
A resource’s activities seem to be all over the map. How can this be an efficient route?
Symptom Possible Explanations and Solutions
When I ran routing a second time, the results were not the same.
  • The application considers many factors when routing activities, many of which are continually changing. As the system learns more about your resources, their skill levels and your activities, it makes different, more informed, choices.

  • There are a high number of possible routing combinations. the application considers all of your business goals and then provides a routing result that is as close to your goals as possible. Sometimes there are several routing results that are equally efficient. The results of two routing runs are rarely exactly the same, even with all of the same inputs.

Symptom Possible Explanations and Solutions
Routing does not run at the time of day or frequency that I expected. The Run Schedule is not configured correctly.
Symptom Possible Explanations and Solutions
Automatic routing ran, but not all activities were assigned to resources.
  • The application did not find a resource whose qualifications and availability match the activity.

  • An error occurred during the routing process.

Activity not routed to the resource

Symptom Possible Explanations and Solutions
An activity was not routed to the resource that I expected.
  • The resource and the activity are not in the same bucket. Check the Resource Tree to verify that the resource is in the same bucket to which the activity was sent.

  • The resource is either not qualified or not available to take the activity. Verify that work zones, work skills, work skill conditions and resource calendars are all accurate.

  • The application uses a complex algorithm to optimize the routes for the entire workforce, not just individual routes. Also, the application considers a number of factors when routing activities. After considering all parameters for the entire workforce, that resource was not the best match.

Symptom Possible Explanations and Solutions
Segmentable activity cannot be assigned due to missing required work skills, work zones or mismatch of working calendars


  • Routing applied to segmentable activity.

  • The activity cannot be routed for various reasons for various days.


  • Make sure your resources have work zones, work skills and working calendars that are compatible with segmentable activities, which you would like to assign.