All REST Endpoints

Content (IM)/Article Status

The article status resource lets knowledge administrators create, modify, or delete the article status for a knowledge article. An article status indicates the status of an article in the knowledge management life cycle. If you are an author, you can optionally assign an article status to a knowledge article.

Create an article status
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/articleStatus
Delete an article status
Method: delete
Path: /km/api/v1/articleStatus/{id}
Get all article statuses
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/articleStatus
Get an article status
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/articleStatus/{id}
Set article status
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/articleStatus/control/{action}
Update an article status
Method: put
Path: /km/api/v1/articleStatus/{id}
Content (IM)/Categories

The categories resource lets you group knowledge articles by any characteristic or business requirement. A category is a means of grouping knowledge articles for easy identification. For example, knowledge articles can be categorized based on the article's subject area, such as installation or order status.

Get a category
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/categories/{id}
Get all categories
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/categories
Get children categories
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/categories/{id}/children
Content (IM)/Content
The content resource lets you create, update, view, delete, and manage knowledge articles. You can also perform additional operations such as publish, translate, and import knowledge articles as part of the knowledge management life cycle. A content object stores information about knowledge articles.
Check in content
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/checkIn
Check out content
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/checkOut
Clear content check out
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/versions/{versionId}/clearCheckOut
Create content
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content
Create content from import
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/import
Delete all versions of a content in a locale
Method: delete
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/deleteLocalizedVersions/{localeCode}
Delete content
Method: delete
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}
Find article by answer ID
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/articles/{answerId}
Get aggregate rating result
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/ratingsAggregate
Get all categories assigned to content
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/categories
Get all content
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content
Get all translated content
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/allTranslations
Get all translated content by answer ID
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/answers/{answerId}/allTranslations
Get all translated content by doc ID
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/docId/{docId}/allTranslations
Get all translated content by version ID
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/versions/{versionId}/allTranslations
Get all user groups assigned to content
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/userGroups
Get all versions of content
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/allVersions
Get all versions of content by doc ID
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/docId/{docId}/allVersions
Get all views assigned to content
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/views
Get article by answer ID
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/answers/{answerId}
Get content
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}
Get content by doc ID
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/docId/{docId}
Get content by version ID
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/versions/{versionId}
Get history of content
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/history
Get history of content by doc ID
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/docId/{docId}/history
Get rating results of content
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/ratings
Publish all version of content in a locale
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/publishAllVersionInThisLocale/{localeCode}
Publish all versions of content in all locales
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/publishAllVersionInAllLocales
Publish content
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/versions/{versionId}/publishThisVersion
Rate content
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/rate
Translate content
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{versionId}/translate
Unpublish all version of content in a locale
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/unpublishAllVersionInThisLocale/{localeCode}
Unpublish all versions of content in all locales
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/unpublishAllVersionInAllLocales
Unpublish content
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/versions/{versionId}/unpublishThisVersion
Update content
Method: put
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}
Update content by version ID
Method: patch
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{versionId}
Update content from import
Method: put
Path: /km/api/v1/content/{id}/import
Update content owner
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/content/versions/{versionId}/changeOwner
Content (IM)/Content Types
The content types resource lets you only retrieve content types available in the knowledge management functional area. A content type defines the various types of articles in your knowledge base, such as, solutions and FAQs.

Get a content type
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/contentTypes/{id}
Get all content types
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/contentTypes
Get all user groups assigned to content type
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/contentTypes/{id}/userGroups
Get categories
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/contentTypes/{contentTypeId}/categories
Get public document count
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/contentTypes/{contentTypeId}/publicDocumentCount
Content (IM)/Data Forms
The data forms resource lets you view the details of the ratings schemes available in the knowledge management functional area. A data form is used to describe rating schemes that allow agents and end-users to rate the usefulness of the knowledge articles.
Get a data form
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/dataForms/{id}
Content (IM)/Languages

The languages resource lets you view the languages available in the knowledge management functional area.

Get a language
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/languages/{id}
Get all languages
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/languages
Get all locales assigned to language
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/languages/{id}/locales
Content (IM)/Locales

The locales resource lets you view the available locales in the knowledge management functional area. A locale is identified by the language and the region it represents. For example, en_US represents English in the United States.

Get a locale
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/locales/{id}
Get all locales
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/locales
Content (IM)/Repositories

The repositories resource lets you view the locales and categories that are available in the knowledge management functional area.

Get all categories assigned to a view
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/repositories/default/categoriesAssignedToView
Get all locales assigned to a repository
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/repositories/default/availableLocales
Content (IM)/User Groups

The user groups resource lets you view the list of available user groups in the knowledge management functional area. The user groups are used to grant access to a group of users to a set of knowledge articles. For example, Tier 1 Agents and Tier 2 Agents could be separate user groups, where each group is entitled to a different part of the knowledge base.

Create a user group
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/userGroups
Delete user group
Method: delete
Path: /km/api/v1/userGroups/{id}
Get a user group
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/userGroups/{id}
Get a user group by reference key
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/userGroups/referenceKey/{referenceKey}
Get all user groups
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/userGroups
Update a user group
Method: put
Path: /km/api/v1/userGroups/{id}
Content (IM)/User Key Values

The user key values resource lets you save the configuration information of the users. For example, you can save the list of favorite articles of a user. The user key values are unique name and value pairs associated to a specific user. For example, a user named John Doe can add FAQ11 to his list of favorite articles.

Create a user key value
Method: post
Path: /km/api/v1/users/{userId}/userKeyValues
Delete a user key value
Method: delete
Path: /km/api/v1/userKeyValues/{id}
Get a user key value
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/users/{userId}/userKeyValues/{id}
Get all user key values
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/users/{userId}/userKeyValues
Update a user key value
Method: put
Path: /km/api/v1/users/{userId}/userKeyValues/{id}
Content (IM)/Users

The users resource lets you view the knowledge management specific attributes assigned to users. For example, as an author you can retrieve the list of available locales in which you can create knowledge articles.

Get all authoring locales assigned
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/users/{id}/contentLocales
Get all user key values assigned
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/users/{id}/customKeyValues
Get users
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/users/{id}
Update all content locales
Method: patch
Path: /km/api/v1/users/{id}/contentLocales
Update all custom key values
Method: patch
Path: /km/api/v1/users/{id}/customKeyValues
Content (IM)/Views
The views resource lets you segregate knowledge articles based on the application. Currently, the knowledge management solution is associated only with two different applications, Service and Human Capital Management (HCM). The views resource also allows you to retrieve information about the available views in the knowledge base.
Get all categories assigned
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/views/{id}/categories
Get all user groups assigned
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/views/{id}/userGroups
Get all views
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/views
Get view
Method: get
Path: /km/api/v1/views/{id}

This method returns an HTTP response containing the Allow and Link header.

Method: post
Path: /srt/api/v1/search/answer
Ask question
Method: post
Path: /srt/api/v1/search/question
Initial screen
Method: post
Path: /srt/api/v1/search/initialScreen
Method: post
Path: /srt/api/v1/search/navigation
Page results
Method: post
Path: /srt/api/v1/search/pagination