
The Connections feature in Oracle Infinity enables the configuration of system-to-system connections, so that Infinity can easily connect to your Oracle Marketing solutions, such as Responsys, Eloqua, or to other third-party data stores. The connections you configure can be used when creating actions, wherein you’ll define the type of data you want to deliver from Infinity to the system included in your connection.

See An overview of Actions for more information on activating data for other systems.

The configuration of a connection is done in two parts, generally:

  1. You’ll configure the connection that enables Infinity to connect to the other system (for example, Responsys).
  2. You’ll configure a destination within that connection that tells Infinity the specific location within that system for where to deliver data (for example, a specific campaign or program within Responsys). Depending on the type of connection, some exceptions may apply to this workflow.

Examples of connections and destinations

  • Configure a connection so that Infinity can connect to your instance of Responsys, and then configure the destination so that Infinity can populate behavioral data into your Trigger Custom Event , Trigger REI Event, or Supplemental Table in Responsys.

  • Configure a connection so that Infinity can connect to your instance of Eloqua, and then configure the destination so that Infinity can populate profile data into your Contacts object in Eloqua.

Note: You must first configure your connection(s) before you can create an action.

Accessing the Connections feature

Before you can access the Connections feature, you must have the appropriate user rights. One of the two following rights must be included in a role assigned to you:

  • View Connections: This user right allows you to access the Connections feature. You’ll be able to view the Connections that have been configured along with their details.

  • Manage Connections: This user right allows you to access the Connections feature. You’ll be able to view, created, edit, and delete connections.

If you have not been assigned a role with either of these user rights, you will not see the Connections feature either in the navigation menu or on the Infinity Home dashboard.

To learn more about administering user rights, roles, and groups, see the Settings help topic.

There are two ways to access the Connections feature:

  • Open the navigation menu from the upper-left corner of your Infinity screen, and click Connections.

  • From the Infinity Home dashboard, locate and click either the Setup card or Activity card for Connections.

Once you’ve accessed the Connections feature, you’ll land on the Connections screen. If connections have been created, you’ll see cards for each connection. Otherwise, you’ll be presented with an option to create your first connection.

Learn more

Configuring an Oracle Responsys connection

Configuring an Oracle Eloqua connection

Configuring an Oracle Unity connection

Configuring a Webhook connection

Deleting connections and destinations

Disabling connections and destinations

Enabling connections and destinations

Editing connections and destinations

Connections, Responsys connections