Impacts of enabling or disabling RFM

In this topic, you'll learn more about the impacts of enabling or disabling RFM (the Recency, Frequency, and Monetary analysis feature) for your account.

Enabling RFM

When you enable the RFM feature for your account:

  • RFM dashboards will be visible to account users.
  • RFM Profile Extension Tables (PETs) are created as follows:
    • An Email RFM scoring PET is created for each profile list. The PET name format is RFM Scores <profile list name>.

    • If your account is enabled for SMS, an SMS RFM scoring PET is created for each profile list. The PET name format is RFM Scores SMS <profile list name>.

    • If your account is enabled for Mobile Apps, three RFM scoring PETs are created for each app channel list:

      • An In-app RFM scoring PET. The PET name format is RFM Scores Inapp <app channel list name>.

      • A Message Center RFM scoring PET. The PET name format is RFM Scores Message Center <app channel list name>.

      • A Push RFM scoring PET. The PET name format is RFM Scores Push <app channel list name>.

    For example, if you have a profile list named Contacts with an app channel list of Contacts_APP, and your account is enabled for SMS and Mobile Apps, then the system would create the following new PETs:

    RFM Scores Contacts (for Email RFM scoring)

    RFM Scores SMS Contacts (for SMS RFM scoring)

    RFM Scores Push Contacts_APP (for Push Mobile App RFM scoring)

    RFM Scores Inapp Contacts_APP (for In-app Mobile App RFM scoring)

    RFM Scores Message Center Contacts_APP (for Message Center Mobile App RFM scoring)

  • Data in the RFM PETs will update automatically.
  • RFM persona filters are created as follows:

  • Six RFM persona filters are created for each profile list in your account. Filter names combine the persona name and the profile list name. For example, if you have a profile list named Contacts,the system would create the following new persona filters:

    •  Promising_Contacts

    •  New_Contacts

    • Lost_Contacts

    • Champions_Contacts

    • Cant Lose_Contacts

    • At Risk_Contacts

    Six SMS RFM persona filters are created for each profile list in your account. Filter names combine the persona name, “SMS” for the SMS channel, and the profile list name. For example, if you have a profile list named Contacts, the system would create the following new persona filters:

    • Promising_SMS_Contacts

    • New_SMS_Contacts

    • Lost_SMS_Contacts

    • Champions_SMS_Contacts

    • Cant Lose_SMS_Contacts

    • At Risk_SMS_Contacts

    18 RFM related Mobile App channel list persona filters are created for each mobile app mapped to an app channel list. Filter names combine the persona name (Promising, New, Lost, Champions, Cant Lose, At Risk), Campaign Engagement Use Case (Push, In-app, and Message Center), and the mobile app name. For example, if you have a mobile app named MyApp, the system would create three filters for each of the six RFM personas (18 in total). So for the Champions persona, you’d see these three filters in your Filters list:

    • Champions-RFM-Push-MyApp

    • Champions-RFM-Inapp-MyApp

    • Champions-RFM-Message Center-MyApp

Learn more about the RFM prebuilt filters and PET.

Disabling RFM

When you disable RFM for your account:

  • RFM dashboards will no longer be visible for your account.
  • Data updates of the standard RFM dashboards and PETs will stop. Your programs can continue to use the existing data, but the data will become progressively stale over time.
  • System-created objects (PETs, Filters) will remain in the system. Filter results will depend on the data in the RFM PETs.

    Note: You can't delete RFM PETs. Additionally, RFM PETs do not have expiration dates.


Learn more

Enabling and disabling Intelligence features

Impacts of enabling or disabling Fatigue Analysis

RFM Overview

Oracle Responsys Intelligence Features Management, Intelligence features management, Intelligence Features Management page, Intelligence features management page, enabling RFM in Responsys, disabling RFM in Responsys, Responsys RFM