Dimensions for SMS and MMS

A dimension is a data attribute used to categorize or filter a measure. A measure by itself has no meaning if presented without the context of a dimension.

Dimensions for SMS and MMS

Dimensions available to you for each report are grouped into categories.

This section describes all available dimensions for SMS and MMS, organized by group.


  • Account: Name of the account, including sub-accounts where applicable


  • Program: Name of the program
  • Stage: Stage of the program that was used to send campaigns


Important: If you change a campaign’s name, folder, marketing program, marketing strategy, subject line, or external campaign ID, then historical and new launches for both triggered and standard launches will take these new values in Insight. It does not impact CED behavior as CED retains an unchanged ‘snapshot’ of values.

  • Campaign: Name of the campaign
  • Channel: Name for the channel of the campaign
  • Folder: Name of the folder that contains the campaign
  • Marketing Program: Marketing Program defined during campaign design

    Note: Prior to 19A, if you changed a campaign’s marketing program for a standard launch, then historical launches would keep the old values in Insight, while new launches would take the new values. Post 19A, Insight will display the new marketing program values for both historical and new standard launches. This update applies to all channels. It does not impact the CED behavior.

  • Marketing Strategy: Marketing Strategy defined during campaign design

    Note: Prior to 19A, if you changed a campaign’s marketing strategy for a standard launch, then historical launches would keep the old values in Insight, while new launches would take the new values. Post 19A, Insight will display the new marketing strategy values for both historical and new standard launches. This update applies to all channels. It does not impact the CED behavior.

  • Launch Type: Type of launch, such as proof, standard, or triggered
  • Launch ID: ID that represents the launch identifier


  • Network Carrier: Recipient's Network Carrier
  • Country: Country corresponding to the Network Carrier
  • Code: Short Code that receives text messages
  • Sender Name: Alphanumeric SMS code that reflects your company name or brand
  • Aggregator: Name of the Aggregator that sends the message


  • Link Category: Link category
  • Link Name: Link Name of the short-url that was sent by the campaign


  • Keyword: Keywords received via the text message

Sent Date

  • Sent Year: Year corresponding to the sent date
  • Sent Quarter: Quarter corresponding to the sent date
  • Sent Month: Month corresponding to the sent date
  • Sent Week: The days of Monday to Sunday corresponding to the sent date. An example value would be "Wk of Oct 05, 2015," which would cover the days of the 5th of October 2015 (Monday), the 6th of October 2015 (Tuesday), and the days up to and including the 11 of October 2015 (Sunday).
  • Sent Date: Day corresponding to the sent date
  • Sent Day of Week: Day of the week corresponding to the sent date (for example, Monday)

Event date

  • Event Year: Year corresponding to the event date
  • Event Quarter: Quarter corresponding to the event date
  • Event Month: Month corresponding to the event date
  • Event Week: The days of Monday to Sunday corresponding to the event date. An example value would be "Wk of Oct 05, 2015," which would cover the days of the 5th of October 2015 (Monday), the 6th of October 2015 (Tuesday), and the days up to and including the 11th of October 2015 (Sunday).
  • Event Date: Day corresponding to the event date

Launch Date

  • Launch Date: Date corresponding to when the launch occurred

Relative Date Range

  • Sent Date Range: Relative date ranges corresponding to the sent date of the campaign

Tips for using Relative Date Range attributes and values:

  • Date range values are calculated by the account's time zone.
  • "Last" date ranges always exclude the current date, week, month, or quarter, depending on the date range selected (see Examples below).
  • "Last Quarter" follows the calendar year (for example, Q1 is January, February, March).
  • "Current" date ranges are displayed for the current complete date range:
    • Current Year displays data for the current complete calendar year at the time of executing the report. For example, if the report begins at 11:30 am on the 2nd of February, data will be displayed from 12:00 am on 1st Jan to 11:30 am on the 2nd of February (or till when data was last refreshed).
    • Current Month displays data for the current complete calendar month at the time of executing the report. For example, if the report is executed at 11:30 am on the 2nd of February, data will be displayed from 12:00 am on 1st Feb to 11:30 am on the 2nd of February (or till when data was last refreshed)
    • Current Week displays data for the current complete week at the time of executing the report. For example, if the report is executed at 11:30 am on the 2nd of February (Monday), data will be displayed from 12:00 am on the 2nd of February (Monday) to 11:30 am on 2nd Feb (or until the data was last refreshed).

      Note: The week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday.

  • Do not select multiple sent date ranges if given the choice, as this makes your data less meaningful.

Learn more

Sent Date Range, Send Date Range, Current Year, Current Month, Current Week, Current, SMS