Installing the Facebook Custom Audience app

Note: Responsys customers must subscribe to the correct SKUs to be eligible to use the Facebook Custom Audience app. To know if your account is eligible or not, please check if the Account Administrator user or CX Apps App Manager user of the Responsys account can navigate to the “App Management” administration page. If the navigation is not possible, it means your account does not have the necessary SKU. Please contact your account representative or Oracle sales for more information. If you can navigate to the page, you are eligible to install and use the app. Please note that the interactions usage by this app is chargeable and will be automatically decremented from your account’s commitment.

  1. Access the FBCA app installation link to begin app installation (this link opens in a new web browser tab or window).

  2. Please refer to App Installation and Setup for next steps for installation. Please note that the installation should be performed by users who have an Account Administrator or a CX Apps Director role in Responsys.

Learn more about the steps for configuring the Facebook Custom Audience app within Oracle Responsys.

To check that the app is correctly installed:

  1. From the side navigation bar, select Account. (If you do not see the side navigation bar, click the Menu button (aka Hamburger menu) icon.).
  2. Select App management.
  3. Check that the Facebook Custom Audience app is present in the list of apps for your account.

Next steps

Creating a Custom Audience in Facebook

Connecting a Responsys account to a Facebook ad account

Adding the Facebook Custom Audience app to Program

Learn more

Account Management

Facebook Custom Audience app overview