Verifying the Downloaded File

To ensure that the file that you downloaded is safe and that no malicious content has been injected, you can check the SHA256 checksum value. This value is shown under Driver Details on the Connect driver download page. For more information, see Connect Driver Download Page.

Verifying the SHA256 checksum on Windows

You can check the SHA256 checksum of a file on Windows using certutil.

To verify the SHA256 checksum using certutil:

  1. Open a command window.

  2. Type the following command where <file path> is the path to the folder:

    cd <file path>

  3. In the command window, type the following command where <file name> is the name of the file that you want to check:

    certutil -hashfile <file name> SHA256

    The following example shows how to get the SHA256 checksum of the EXE file for the ODBC driver on Windows:

    certutil -hashfile NetSuiteODBCDrivers_Windows64bit.exe SHA256

  4. View the output to verify that the SHA256 checksum matches the value under your driver type on the SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Download page.

Verifying the SHA256 checksum on Linux or OS X

There are several ways to verify the checksum of a file on Linux and OS X. The following example shows how to verify the SHA256 checksum using sha256sum.

To verify the SHA256 checksum using sha256sum:

  1. Open the terminal.

  2. Type the following command where <file path> is the path to the folder:

    cd <file path>

  3. In the terminal, type the following command where <file name> is the name of the file that you want to check:


  4. View the output to verify that the SHA256 checksum matches the value under your driver type on the SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Download page.

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