Connect Drivers

To analyze your data with SuiteAnalytics Connect, you must download and install a Connect driver. SuiteAnalytics Connect supports three driver types: ODBC, JDBC, and ADO.NET.

The following table includes links to the information that you need for each driver type.



ODBC Drivers

This topic includes the details of the latest ODBC driver version and the history of all ODBC driver versions that have been available for download.

JDBC Drivers

This topic includes the details of the latest JDBC driver version and the history of all JDBC driver versions that have been available for download.

ADO.NET Drivers

This topic includes the details of the latest ADO.NET driver version and the history of all ADO.NET driver versions that have been available for download.

Connect Driver Download Page

This topic includes an overview to understand the SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Download page.

Downloading and Installing Connect Drivers

This topic describes how to download and install your Connect driver.

Verifying the Downloaded File

This topic describes how to verify the downloaded file.

Configuring Your Data Source

This topic describes how you should set up your data source to work with SuiteAnalytics Connect.

Determining Your Connect Driver Version

This topic describes how to verify the Connect driver version that you are using.

Related Topics

General Notices