SuiteAnalytics Connect FAQ
See the questions and answers below for information about SuiteAnalytics Connect.
I am getting truncated text in my results. How can I avoid this?
Text may be truncated when the return values exceed the display size. If your queries return truncated text, change the width and height values of the corresponding field. To change the display size of a specific field, go to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Record Types, and then open the corresponding record type. On the Display subtab, edit the Width and Height values of the field that you want to change.
If you clear the values and leave the cell empty, the size is unlimited.
I am getting the following error: Table does not exist. What could be causing this?
In most cases, this error message may be caused by one of the following situations:
The table that you included in your query cannot be found because there is a typo in the table name.
A specific permission is required on your role.
However, you may also get this error message if you are using qualified queries. For more information about using qualified queries with Connect, see Using Qualified Queries.
Some applications use them by default. If not necessary, avoid using qualified queries. They are more specific than regular queries but they may cause syntax failures.
In this case, this error message indicates that at least one name included in your query was not found. Some applications do not support special characters; for example underscores (_). In rare cases, even spaces are not allowed. Try changing all names that include unsupported characters by removing them. See the following examples:
If your role name is "My Role Name_ODBC", change the name to "My Role Name ODBC". If you still get the error, change the name to "MyRoleNameODBC".
If your company name is "My Company Name_Systems", change the name to "My Company Name Systems". If you still get the error, change the name to "MyCompanyNameSystems".
I am getting the following error: Connection liveness limit reached. What could be causing this?
This error message indicates that your Connect session with token-based authentication (TBA) has expired. After you have accessed the Connect Service with TBA, the session is valid within the next 60 minutes. After 60 minutes have elapsed, you need to start a new Connect session to run new queries. For more information about how to use Connect with TBA, see Using Connect with Token-Based Authentication (TBA).
How can I get access to my NetSuite data through an ODBC, JDBC, or ADO.NET connection?
The SuiteAnalytics Connect feature is an add-on module. For additional information, or to purchase this module, please contact your Account Manager.
The SuiteAnalytics Connect module is not available for NetSuite Small Business accounts.
To enable the SuiteAnalytics feature:
Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.
On the Analytics subtab, in the Data Management section, enable SuiteAnalytics Connect.
Click the Save button.
Next, you should download a driver. Go to the Home tab and in the Settings portlet, click Download Driver for instructions.
Note that you need the SuiteAnalytics Connect permission to access the schema available with this feature.
For additional information about using SuiteAnalytics Connect, see SuiteAnalytics Connect.
For more information, see SuiteAnalytics Connect.
I am getting the following error: TCP/IP error, connection reset by peer. What could be causing this?
This message indicates that the connection was closed. There are several reasons that can trigger this message such as a network issue, a NetSuite server restart, the client/server host was unreachable, or a firewall on your system.
A firewall on your system may close the connection if it is considered idle. If you determine that the firewall or your operating system may be the problem, you can set the KeepAliveTime
parameter to prevent your system from closing the connection. For more information, see Idle Connection Timeout.
Why is the Preferred Data Source for Connect?
The data source, also known as the analytics data source, provides advanced query capabilities and solves some previous inconsistencies in data exposure. Also, this data source applies role-based access control which helps to increase security.
To learn about the benefits of using the analytics data source, see Data Source.
How can I see all the record types and fields available for Connect?
The data source applies role-based access control. This means that the features, roles and permissions assigned to your account determine the data that you can access through Connect. However, you can use the Static Data Model to see all available record types and fields. Using the Static Data Model, SuiteAnalytics Connect still applies role-based permissions. Therefore, you can only get the data for the records that you can access, but you can see the structure and the name of all available record types and fields. For more information, see Setting the Static Data Model for Connect Drivers.
I moved to, but I do not get the same results when I use the same query. How can I get results through
The data source uses a different schema than Some record types and fields that were available in may not be available in, or may return different results. To understand how data is structured in and the differences between and, see Record Types and Fields.