ADO.NET Drivers

This topic includes all the ADO.NET driver versions that have been made available for download. Each driver version includes details of the changes that were introduced and additional information of each version. You should always install the latest version available.

Driver versions are listed chronologically with the latest version at the top of the list.

ADO.NET Driver for Windows (

  • Driver version:

  • Release date: December 11, 2023

  • Driver details: Upgrade to this version is optional, but it is preferred. This driver version supports the Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3 security protocol, which provides enhanced security. The TLS 1.3 protocol is not enabled for SuiteAnalytics Connect servers yet. However, if you install ADO.NET driver version, the TLS 1.3 protocol will be automatically used as soon as it is enabled for Connect servers. This version also includes the following changes for use with SuiteAnalytics Connect:

    • Added support for .NET Framework 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 and .NET 6

    • Security upgrades

    • General bug fixes

  • SHA256 checksum of the downloadable EXE file: 55f03b6bc7066d595e427a8e124f9903b738e9dcb953c60cee322ee3e904ef9e

ADO.NET Driver for Windows (

  • Driver version:

  • Release date: November 17, 2022

  • Driver details: This version includes the following changes for use with SuiteAnalytics Connect:

    • Security upgrades

    • General bug fixes

  • SHA256 checksum of the downloadable EXE file: 7d56bc332d6fb558185413450ff2d44f85e938c1c41911970e9d718df7731276

This is not the latest ADO.NET driver version available. For information about the latest ADO.NET driver released, see ADO.NET Driver for Windows (

ADO.NET Driver for Windows (

  • Driver version:

  • Release date: January 8, 2016

  • Driver details: This version includes the following changes for use with SuiteAnalytics Connect:

    • Certificates are required.

    • TLS version 1.2 cipher suites are supported.

    • The scompid and roleid parameters are required.

  • SHA256 checksum of the downloadable EXE file: a0e4887c6e54aa78010957fe52c5d4d6373bf2fc8c60f22fab956f0d7155c839

This is not the latest ADO.NET driver version available. For information about the latest ADO.NET driver released, see ADO.NET Driver for Windows (

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