Using Cached Data in SuiteAnalytics Workbook

You can use Cached Response mode to load results more quickly in your datasets and workbooks. To enable the Cached Response mode, and understand the caching process and how you can monitor cached data in your datasets, see the following topics:

Enabling Cached Response Mode

To use cached data, you need to set the data refresh in your dataset or workbook to Cached Response mode. You can only set the data refresh to Cached Response mode for the datasets and workbooks that you can access. To use Cached Response mode, ensure that the Cached Data in Datasets feature is enabled in your account. For more information, see Enabling the Cached Data in Datasets Feature.

To enable Cached Response mode:

  1. Open your dataset or workbook.


    If you create a new workbook or dataset, you must save your dataset to change the data refresh to Cached Response mode.

  2. On the upper-left corner, click the arrow next to Real-time Response.

  3. In the Response Mode window, click Cached.

  4. Click Apply.

The Cached Response mode is now enabled.

Cached Data in Connected Datasets and Workbooks

When you enable Cached Response mode in your datasets or workbooks, the mode also changes for the connected datasets and workbooks in some scenarios. For more information, see Data Refresh Changes in Connected Datasets and Workbooks.

Working with Cached Response Mode

When you set the data refresh to the Cached Response mode, the results of your datasets and workbooks are loaded from stored data when you open them or make any changes. To see when your data was last updated, check the time in the upper-left corner of the Viewer, next to Cached Response.


Some changes in datasets require loading real-time data, even if the Cached Response mode is enabled. Cached data is unavailable when you add or remove fields from your dataset, when you modify your dataset criteria filters, or when you change a formula that is used in your dataset. Save changes in your dataset to work with cached data again.

When you work with cached data, you can also get the most current data at any time. To refresh cached data and see the most up-to-date results, click the Refresh icon.

The frequency for refreshing cached data may be different for datasets and workbook visualizations:

Frequency to refresh cached data in datasets

The frequency to refresh cached data in your datasets is adjusted to your usage. The Cached Response mode monitors when you view your datasets, workbooks, or Analytics portlets. Then, the data refresh is scheduled based on this usage to ensure that the data is refreshed when you need to view it. The scheduled frequency can vary from 1 hour to 24 hours, depending on the usage in your account.

Frequency to refresh cached data in pivot tables and charts

The cached data in your pivot tables and charts is refreshed after 60 minutes of inactivity, as well as the standard data refresh option. For detailed information about cached data in pivot tables and charts, see Understanding Data Caching in Pivot Tables and Charts.

Monitoring Cached Data for Datasets

To get an overview of all datasets using Cached Response mode, users with the Administrator role can access the Dataset Cache Management page. The Dataset Cache Management page lists all datasets using Cached Response mode, impacted workbooks, workbook owner, status, and other information. You can disable the Cached Response mode on any dataset from this page to change it to the Real-time Response mode. Only users with the Administrator role can access the Dataset Cache Management page.

To access the Dataset Cache Management Page

  1. On the Analytics Home page, click the Datasets subtab.

  2. In the Actions column, click the More icon.

  3. Click Dataset Cache Management.


This option does not disable the Cached Data in Datasets feature. The option only changes the data refresh to Real-time Response mode. The owners of workbooks and datasets can still change the response mode by opening the workbook or dataset and setting the data refresh to Cached Response mode. For more information, see Enabling Cached Response Mode.

Known Limitations in Cached Response Mode

Character large object (CLOB) values are not available in cached response mode. When you use CLOB fields in your datasets and workbooks and try to work with cached response mode, you get a message that cached data cannot be enabled. To continue working with your datasets and workbooks, you can identify if you are working with CLOB fields and do one of the following:

  • Remove CLOB fields – If you remove the fields from your dataset, you can work with cached response mode.

  • Keep CLOB fields – If you keep the fields, you can work with real-time response mode only.

Identifying CLOB fields

There is no way to identify CLOB fields directly in your datasets or workbooks. However, you can use the Records Catalog to check field types.


The Records Catalog is available for all users that have the Records Catalog permission assigned to their role. For more information, see Records Catalog Overview.

To identify CLOB fields:

  1. Go to Setup > Records Catalog.

  2. Use the search field to find your record.

  3. Click SuiteScript and REST Query API.

  4. View the Type column on the right. All fields that appear with the CLOBTEXT type are CLOB fields.

For more information about the details available in the Records Catalog, see Records Catalog Fields Available for SuiteScript and Rest Query API.

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