Setting Up a Customer for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

To use Brazilian Hub SuiteApp features, you must configure customer records following the guidelines described in this topic.

For more information about the creation of customer records, see Customers.

To set up a customer for Brazil:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Customers > New.

  2. Under the Primary Information and Email | Phone | Address groups, set up the relevant fields based on the customer’s information.

  3. Under Classification:

    1. In the Primary Subsidiary field, select the primary subsidiary to associate with this customer. You cannot enter transactions for this customer unless you assign it a primary subsidiary.

      If the primary subsidiary is not a Brazilian subsidiary, you must assign a Brazilian subsidiary to the customer on the Subsidiaries subtab.

    2. If the customer is a national self-employed worker, in the Número de Identificação Trabalhador - NIT field, enter their social security number.

    3. In the Inscrição Estadual ST field, enter the customers’s state registration number for tax substitution.

      This only applies if the customer is a national legal entity and registered for tax substitution in the same state as the primary subsidiary’s.

    4. In the País field, select the customer’s country.

    5. If the customer is a foreign entity, in the Documento Estrangeiro field, enter the number of its Documento de Identificação de Tomador Estrangeiro.

  4. Click Save.

The following topics describe Brazil-specific fields available on the customer record that you can complete with the customer’s information:

Entering a Customer Address

You can enter a customer address on the Address subtab. You can use the address as a billing address or a shipping address. The address is also required for issuing electronic invoices using Brazilian Hub.

To enter a customer address:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Customers.

  2. Click Edit next to the customer record you want to edit.

  3. Click the Address subtab.

  4. To enter an address, click the pencil icon Blue pencil icon in the Edit column.

    An address popup window displays address fields.

  5. If the customer is located in Brazil, fill in the form as follows:

    1. In the Country field, select Brazil.

    2. In the Address 1 field, enter the street name.

    3. In the State field, enter the state or federative unit name.

    4. In the Zip field, enter the street’s postal code.

    5. In the Tipo Logradouro field, select the street suffix. For example, for a street, select Rua, for an avenue, select Avenida.

    6. In the Número field, enter the address number.

    7. In the Município field, select the customer’s city.

      To select the city:

      1. Enter the city name.

      2. Press Tab.

        A dropdown list shows the options that match the name you entered.

      3. Select the matching option.

    8. (Optional) If you want to add information that helps to locate the address, in the Complemento field, enter the additional address information.

    9. In the Bairro field, enter the district name.

    10. Click OK to close the popup window.

    11. Click Add to include the address.

      You can view the address under the Email | Phone | Address group, in the Address field.

  6. If the customer is located outside Brazil, fill in the form as follows:

    1. In the Country field, select the country where the customer is located.

    2. If you use UPS integration, complete the following fields:

      1. In the Attention field, enter the name of the person who receives mail at this location.

        This name is printed on the shipping labels.

      2. In the Addressee field, enter a name for the company or individual.

        The addressee name is printed below the name entered in the Attention field.

    3. In the Phone field, enter the customer’s phone number.

    4. In the Address 1 field, enter the customer’s address, separated by commas, and in the following order: Street, District, Number.

      The system validates if the address follows the correct pattern.

    5. (Optional) In the Address 2 field, you can enter the address as you want it to be displayed on the forms.

    6. In the City field, enter the city where the customer is located.

    7. In the State field, enter the state or province where the customer is located.

    8. In the Zip field, enter the postal code for this address.

  7. After completing the form, click OK.

  8. Click Save.

Setting Up Electronic Invoicing for a Customer

You can set up the electronic invoices preferences for a customer on the E-Document subtab.

To set up electronic invoicing for a customer:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Customers.

  2. Click Edit next to the customer record you want to edit.

  3. Click the E-Document subtab.

  4. In the E-Document Package field, select BRHub E-document.

  5. (Optional) To create a PDF file of this customer’s transactions along with the generation of e-documents, check the Generate PDF box.

    NetSuite generates e-documents when you click the Generate button in a transaction.

  6. Click Save.

Setting Up Tax Calculation for a Customer

You can set up tax calculation preferences for a customer on the Impostos subtab.

To set up tax calculation for a customer:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Customers.

  2. Click Edit next to the customer record you want to edit.

  3. Click the Impostos subtab.

  4. If the entity is a service provider and NetSuite applies INSS calculation on the transactions it participates in, check the Presta Serviço Mão-de-Obra/Empreitada box.

  5. In the Optante Simples Nacional field, select the customer’s adoption status of the Simples Nacional tax regime.

    • If the customer does not adhere to the Simples Nacional tax regime, select 0 – Não optante pelo Simples Federal nem Municipal.

    • If the customer does adhere to the Simples Nacional tax regime, select the appropriate framework:

      • Select an option that corresponds to the Simples Nacional framework.

      • If there is no tax retention on the transactions involved, select 5 – Optante pelo Simples Nacional – Dispensa de Retenção.

        In this case, only IRRF PJ and INSS can be withheld.

    • If the customer is a self-employed worker, select 6 – M.E.I.

      By selecting this option, no taxes are withheld on the transactions with this customer.

  6. In the Categoria Fiscal field, enter the customer’s fiscal category, in accordance with the tax regime the customer adopts.

  7. Check the Participante do CPOM box in the following cases:

    • The subsidiary is not registered in the municipality of destination on the transactions carried out by this customer.

    • The ISS must be collected.

    NetSuite calculates the ISS CPOM and ISS withheld on the transactions in which the customer is involved.

  8. In the Código SIAFI field, enter the specific code for the city where the customer is located.

  9. In the Indicador do Tipo de Atividade field, select the type of business activity performed by the customer.

    If you select 0 – Zero (Industrial ou Equiparada à Industrial), NetSuite calculates the IPI.

  10. If the customer is the final consumer of the sales transactions, check the Consumidor Final box.

  11. If the system must calculate the INSS Patronal when issuing electronic invoices for services (NFS-e) for this entity, check the INSS Patronal box.

  12. If the customer resells the items purchased (for example, the customer does not use the items within their own business), check the Revendedor box.

  13. To apply a limited set of taxes to this customer’s transactions, in the Grupo de tributação field, select a tax group for the customer.

    A tax group aggregates parameters of taxes on goods (ICMS, IPI, PIS/COFINS, II, and CIDE) that should only apply to the transactions of customers assigned to that group.

  14. If any tax relief applies to the tax calculation on transactions with this customer, in the Benefício Fiscal field, select the benefit.

    This applies to ICMS DIFAL calculation for the state of Minas Gerais.

  15. Click Save.

Entering Information About Goods Regulated by the ANP for a Customer

You can enter information about the Sistema de Informações de Movimentação de Produtos (SIMP) and the Sistema de Captação e Auditoria dos Anexos de Combustíveis (SCANC) for customers who trade goods regulated by the Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP) on the SIMP/SCANC subtab.

To enter information about goods regulated by the ANP for a customer:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Customers.

  2. Click Edit next to the customer record you want to edit.

  3. Click the SIMP/SCANC subatab.

  4. In the SIMP - Código de Instalação field, enter the installation code 2, as in the Tabela de Código de Agente Regulador da ANP chart.

  5. In the Categoria do Estabelecimento/SCANC, select the establishment category code, as in the SCANC.

  6. Click Save.

Setting Installment Preferences for a Customer

You can define the customer terms of payment preferences on the Parcelamento subtab.

To set installment preferences for a customer:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Customers.

  2. Click Edit next to the customer record you want to edit.

  3. On the customer record, click the Parcelamento subtab.

  4. In the Condição de Pagamento Padrão field, select a default term of payment for the customer.

    By selecting this field, the term is automatically set on future transactions created with this customer.

  5. In the Conta Contábil Adiantamentos de Cliente field, select an account to which to post advanced payments.

    This field is required for transactions that use a credit card as the payment method. It is also required for canceling electronic invoices generated from transactions that use a credit card as the payment method.

  6. Click Save.


If the customer is a legal entity and has a state tax registration in more than one federative unit, you must create a customer record for the place the entity is based, and subcustomer records for each state registration. This enables you to create transactions for this customer at their different state addresses, ensuring the correct tax calculation.

A subcustomer is a child record of the main customer record. For more information about creating a subcustomer, see Creating a Subcustomer Record.

For example, if a customer is based in São Paulo/SP, with state tax registrations in São Paulo and Santa Catarina, create the following records:

  • Customer record for the São Paulo/SP address

  • Subcustomer record with the Santa Catarina address information

Thus, for transactions addressed to São Paulo, you must use the customer. For transactions with a billing address to Santa Catarina, use the subcustomer.

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