Chart of Accounts for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

Before you begin using the Brazilian Hub (BRHub) SuiteApp, create a chart of accounts according to your Brazilian business needs. Your chart of accounts provides a set of destinations for posting transactions, and categorizes these transactions for tracking and reporting purposes.

You also must enable account numbering on your chart of accounts for Brazil. If you are the administrator, enable the account numbering preference on the Accounting Preferences page. If you are not an administrator, ask an account administrator to enable this preference. For more information about this preference, see Chart of Account Numbering.

Each company should set up the chart of accounts according to its business needs. You can use the CSV Import Assistant to import account information, or you can manually create account records in NetSuite.

For more information about importing account records, see Chart of Accounts Import.

For more information about creating account records manually, see Creating Accounts.

Creating the Chart of Accounts for IRPJ and CSLL Assessment

In addition to the standard NetSuite chart of accounts, the Brazilian Hub (BRHub) SuiteApp provides its own account records.

If your company's assessment of the Imposto de Renda de Pessoa Jurídica (IRPJ) and the Contribuição Social sobre Lucro Líquido (CSLL) taxes align with the Lucro Real tax regime, you must set up an additional chart. If your company's tax assessments are under a different tax regime, you do not need to create another specific chart.

The BRHub chart of accounts does not replace NetSuite’s chart of accounts. BRHub’s chart of accounts must only be used to link the BRHub account records to the matching NetSuite account records. This link between the account records must be established to ensure the proper posting of the amounts relevant to the IRPJ and CSLL tax assessment.

To create BRHub account records:

  1. Go to BRHub > Contábil > Plano de Contas.

  2. Click Novo.

  3. In the Name field, enter an account name.

  4. In the Número field, enter the same number assigned to the related NetSuite account record to identify this BRHub record.

  5. (Optional) If this account is a subaccount, in the Conta Pai field, select the parent account.

  6. In the Conta NetSuite field, select the NetSuite account record to which this record is related.

  7. (Optional) If you are creating an analytical account, check the Analítica box.

  8. In the Data Início Vigência field, enter or select a start date for the opening balance of this account.

  9. In the Subsidiária field, select one or multiple subsidiaries to restrict the use of this account.

  10. In the Natureza da Conta field, select the type of the account:

    • For revenue accounts, choose Receita.

    • For expense accounts, choose Despesa.

  11. In the Grupo da Conta field, select the group associated with this account.

  12. In the Tipo de Conta DRE field, select the category to identify this account in the income statement report.

  13. Click Save.

You can also use the CSV Import Assistant to import the BRHub account records, as they are custom records. For more information, see CSV Imports.

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