Adding Digital Signature Tags


To access the LATAM E-Document Certification SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see LATAM E-Document Certification.

In general, tax authorities define one or multiple tags in which the signature of a digital certificate should be placed in an e-document template. To ensure that NetSuite signs the correct tags on your e-documents, you must add the tags the tax authority requires you to sign.

The tag records are associated with the certification service operation record, which in turn is associated with the e-document template.

You can define the order in which NetSuite signs each tag, according to the tax authority’s requirements. You must create a digital signature tags record for each set of signature reference and signature entry tags that you sign.

To add a digital signature tag:

  1. Go to Setup > E-Document Certification > Tax Authority Certification Service.

  2. Click View next to the tax authority certification service you want.

  3. Click the Operations subtab.

  4. Click Edit next to the certification service operation record you want.

  5. Click the Digital Signature subtab.

  6. Click New Digital Signature Tags.

    A new digital signature tags record opens.

  7. In the Signature Order field, enter a number to indicate the order you want NetSuite to process the digital signature tag.

    The signing sequence starts with the number 1.

  8. In the Signature Reference Tag field, enter the tag from the e-document template that NetSuite must sign with the digital certificate.

    When entering the tag name, do not use angled brackets (<>). Tags are case sensitive.

  9. In the Signature Entry Tag field, enter the tag from the e-document template in which NetSuite should insert the digital signature.

    When entering the tag name, do not use angled brackets (<>). Tags are case sensitive.

    See the following sample code of a Brazilian electronic invoice for more information about the reference and entry tags. In the sample, the ns1:ReqEnvioLoteRPS tag is the signature entry tag, and the Lote Id="1" tag is the signature reference tag.

                    <!--This is the signature entry tag-->
    <ns1:ReqEnvioLoteRPS xmlns:ns1="http://localhost:8080/WsNFe2/lote" xmlns:tipos="http://localhost:8080/WsNFe2/tp" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="http://localhost:8080/WsNFe2/lote http://localhost:8080/WsNFe2/xsd/ReqEnvioLoteRPS.xsd">
       <Cabecalho xmlns="">
          <ecsOperationType>Send E-Document</ecsOperationType>
          <RazaoSocialRemetente>Test Company Ltda.</RazaoSocialRemetente>
    <!--This is the signature reference tag-->
       <Lote Id="1"> 
          <RPS Id="1">
             <RazaoSocialPrestador>Test Company Ltda.</RazaoSocialPrestador>
             <RazaoSocialTomador>Caburai Transportes Ltda</RazaoSocialTomador>
             <LogradouroTomador>Das Guianas</LogradouroTomador>
             <ComplementoEnderecoTomador>Box 10 Rodoviaria</ComplementoEnderecoTomador>
             <BairroTomador>Treze de Setembro</BairroTomador>
             <CidadeTomadorDescricao>Boa Vista</CidadeTomadorDescricao>
             <DescricaoRPS>REFERENTE AO SERVICO X</DescricaoRPS>
                   <DiscriminacaoServico>SERVICO X</DiscriminacaoServico>
  10. Click Save.

    Repeat the previous steps to enter each tag that NetSuite must sign on the tax authority’s e-document template.

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