Philippines Inventory Book

The Philippines Inventory Book includes information such as the inventory item type, product descriptions and prices. The following section are included in the audit files:

Inventory Book File Attribute Key

The File Attribute Key is a section of the Philippines audit files that lists the available columns and their descriptions. The following table lists the values that show in the File Attribute key section of the inventory book.

Field Name



Displays the creation date of the item.

Product Name/Code

Displays the item name or number.


The value in this field is sourced from the Display Name/Code field of the item record.

If this field is blank, this is sourced from following fields:

  • Purchase Description

  • Stock Description

  • Item Name


Displays the value sourced from the Primary Sale Unit field.

Price per Unit

Displays the Base Price.


Displays the total amount of the product on hand.

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General Notices