Generating a Tax Audit File

Before generating tax audit files, you must first configure your TAF Enhanced Trial Balance Saved Reports.


The configuration steps are applicable to the following tax audit files and reports:

  • Mexico Trial Balance report

  • Mexico Complementary Trial Balance report

  • Mexico Auxiliary Report of Accounts

  • Portugal Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes (SAF-T)

  • Portugal SAF-T Invoicing

  • Portugal SAF-T Accounting

To Configure TAF Enhanced Trial Balance Saved Reports:

  1. Go to Reports > Saved Reports > TAF Enhanced Trial Balance > Customize.

  2. On the Report Builder page, click Edit Columns.

  3. In the Report Preview pane, do the following:

    • Click the Last Debit column.

      • On the Alternate Period Range Type dropdown list, select Relative to report date.

      • Check the Cumulative Value box.

      • Click the Alternate Period Range popup list. Select This Period.

    • Click the Last Credit column.

      • On the Alternate Period Range Type dropdown list, select Relative to report date.

      • Check the Cumulative Value box.

      • Click the Alternate Period Range popup list. Select This Period.

    • Click the Current Debit column.

      • On the Alternate Period Range Type dropdown list, select Relative to report date.

      • Click the Alternate Period Range popup list. Select This Period.

    • Click the Current Credit column.

      • On the Alternate Period Range Type dropdown list, select Relative to report date.

      • Click the Alternate Period Range popup list. Select This Period.

  4. Click Save.

To generate a tax audit file:

  1. Go to Reports > Tax > Audit Files.

  2. On the Audit Files page, set values for the following fields:

  3. Provide values for the following fields:

    • Report — Select a tax audit file to generate.

    • Subsidiary (for OneWorld accounts) — Select the subsidiary for which you want to generate a tax audit file report. The dropdown list shows only the subsidiaries that your role has access to.

    • Period — Select the starting period for the report.

    • To — Select the ending period for the report.

    • Group (for OneWorld accounts) — Check this box if group reporting is allowed by your tax authority. Group reporting includes data from child subsidiaries.

    • Accounting Book — Select the accounting book that will be used to generate the report. The dropdown list shows the active accounting books associated to the selected subsidiary.


      The following features are currently not supported:

      • Group reporting for secondary accounting books

      • Advanced intercompany journal entries

    • Accounting Context — Select the applicable accounting context for the report. The generated file uses the information in the selected accounting context to map the account name and numbers.


      The Accounting Context filter is available when there is at least one accounting context defined in the account. For more information, see Accounting Contexts.

  4. Click Generate.

    The system queues the process for generation. When file generation is finished, NetSuite sends you an email that includes a link to download the file. While the tax audit file is being generated, you can see its progress in the Download column of the Audit Files table. Click Refresh to update the Download column. When file generation is finished, the Download status displays a link to the file.

    If file generation fails, see Troubleshooting Tax Audit File Generation Failures.

  5. To generate a new report, click Reset and repeat steps 2 to 3.

You can download the successfully generated tax audit file and save it on your computer for submission to your tax authority. To download a tax audit file, see Downloading a Tax Audit File.

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