Analyzing Data in Smart View

You can access Planning and Budgeting data through the Microsoft Excel add-on, Oracle Smart View for Office. With Smart View, you can link to and work with your NetSuite Planning and Budgeting data directly in Excel. In addition to working with data in Excel, you can create dynamic data points in Microsoft Word and pull graphs into Microsoft PowerPoint.

For details about accessing your data in Smart View, see:

For more information about using Smart View for complex data analysis, see the Smart View User Guide.

Accessing Smart View from Microsoft Excel

Planning and Budgeting Financials provides multiple reports and dashboards to facilitate analysis, however, you may want to perform a more complex analysis of your data. With Smart View, you can perform an ad hoc analysis of your data.

You can work with your scenario plans in Microsoft Excel by accessing your NetSuite Planning and Budgeting forms from the Smart View tab. Smart View connects with the NetSuite Planning and Budgeting application and presents data from the same data forms that are available in the NetSuite Planning and Budgeting user interface. Users who work in Smart View are accessing the same data as users who work in NetSuite Planning and Budgeting user interface. When you submit data in Smart View, the data is pushed back into NetSuite Planning and Budgeting.

To access Smart View directly from Microsoft Excel:

  1. Open Microsoft Excel.

  2. Click the Smart View tab.

  3. Click Panel.

    The Smart View panel displays to the right.

  4. Click Shared Connections from the Smart View panel.

  5. If prompted, log in to your Oracle Cloud Service.

  6. Select EPM Cloud from the list.

  7. From the server list, select your NetSuite server connection.

  8. To expand the shared connection URL, click the plus icon next to your connection.

  9. Locate the form you want to work with. Budgeting forms are typically in the Library folder.

    For example, go to Library > Planning.

    Administrators have access to other folders as well, such as Dimensions and Attribute Dimensions.

  10. To open the form, at the bottom of the panel, click Open Form. Alternatively, double click the form to open it.

    The form you selected opens in the Planning tab.

  11. (Optional) From the Planning tab, you can perform the following tasks:

    • Select the Point of View (POV) from the POV pane.

    • From the Cell Actions menu, add comments, supporting details, or attachments to your form.

    • From the Adjust menu, use Grid Spread.

    • Enter data in the data grid by clicking on cells to type values.


    These tasks are similar to the budgeting tasks that you would perform in the NetSuite Planning and Budgeting application.

  12. Right-click a cell and select Smart View. Notice the options that you can access from here.

    Click Refresh to refresh the worksheet with the latest saved data from NetSuite Planning and Budgeting and to overwrite any unsaved changes you made.

  13. To save your form and push the changes to NetSuite Planning and Budgeting, click Submit Data in the ribbon.

  14. To perform a more advanced data analysis, click Analyze in the ribbon.

    The data opens in a new worksheet in the context of the Planning Ad Hoc tab.

Accessing Smart View from NetSuite Planning and Budgeting

When working on a form in NetSuite Planning and Budgeting, you might want to view the data in Excel, for example, to perform additional calculations or compare data. You can go to Smart View and continue working on the same form and data in Smart View.

To open a form in Smart View from NetSuite Planning and Budgeting:

  1. Log in to NetSuite Planning and Budgeting and go to the form you want to work with.

  2. Click Actions in the upper-right of the form.

  3. Select Open in Smart View.

  4. Depending on your browser, a link appears at the bottom of the screen in the Download bar. Open the link.

    The NetSuite Planning and Budgeting form opens in Smart View in the context of the Planning tab. You can work with your data here.

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