NSPOS 2020.1.30 E-fix Notes

This document lists the updates provided in NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) version 2020.1.30. The feature and fixes listed here are not available to NSPOS customers until the e-fix is deployed and their bundle is upgraded to this version. NetSuite will modify these notes when needed to provide our customers with additional information.

E-fix Components

This e-fix is an update to the following NSPOS components. The update is deployed automatically to customers currently on NSPOS version 2020.1.20 or later.

Release Type

NSPOS Component





Replication Server


NSPOS Application


Actions to Take

Immediate action is not required. However, to gain the benefits provided by this e-fix, you should:

  1. Update your bundle soon after the e-fix is deployed to your server

    See Appendix: NSPOS Release Types and Verification for the steps to verify that a new server version has been deployed to your environment.

  2. Restage your NSPOS registers to 2020.1.30

    Note that registers can run in backward compatibility mode until you are ready to apply staging.

Included Feature

Support for custom record type names when using rounding – This 2020.1.30 feature provides support for custom record type names when using NetSuite rounding scripts.

Included Fixes

The NSPOS 2020.1.30 e-fix includes corrections to resolve these issues:

  • Core NSPOS reports slow to generate – We improved performance of the Sales Audit report. (Issue 721245)

  • Custom extensions not updated during staging – Certain custom extensions were not being updated when a workstation was upgraded to a new NSPOS release. Those extensions are included during the restaging process.

  • EPSON printer bar code issue – On Epson printers, the bar code was not printing correctly on receipts or during End of Day (EOD) processing. With this fix, the bar code is included as expected. (Issue 719285)

  • Flash Sales report missing operator name – The default Flash Sales report was missing the operator name. The report now includes the operator's full name. Note that the issue was not affecting customized Flash Sales reports.

  • Matrix item details not visible for returns – In some instances when processing the return of a matrix item, item details such as size or color were not visible in the journal. Those details now display as expected. (Issue 699836)

  • MySQL update to enhance error resolution process – The MySQL database configuration was updated to generate a dump file in the event of a server issue. This file can be used by Customer Support for troubleshooting.

  • Receipt printed with error details – In the event of an error during the receipt process, the error details and related SQL were printing on the receipt. Now only a generic error message is printed with a corresponding message displayed to the cashier.

  • Receive Till function not releasing tills – The Receive Till function used by store managers and administrators to release an active till for count and settlement was not working correctly. The function is used when a cashier ends their shift without releasing their till by running End of Day (EOD). This issue now resolved.

  • Replication issue for items assigned to certain classifications – In some instances, updates made in NetSuite ERP to items assigned to certain classifications were not downsyncing to NSPOS registers. This replication issue has been corrected. (Issue 726321)

  • Replication issue for operator roles – Updates made in NetSuite ERP for certain operator settings were not downsyncing from the server to the registers. This replication issue has been corrected. (Issues 729609, 732581, 733147)

  • Replication issue for sales orders with many revisions – Sales orders that had been updated in NetSuite ERP a large number of times were causing issues during downsync to NSPOS registers. This replication issue has been corrected.

  • Replication issue for "Is Sales Representative" value – When an employee was set as a sales representative in NetSuite ERP, the assignment was not downsyncing to NSPOS registers. Now the update replicates to registers during the next synchronization event. (Issue 725323)

  • Replication issue for server version identifier – The NSPOS server version number displayed in NetSuite ERP was not correct in some environments. Now the server version listed is accurate. (Issue 725925)

  • Sales Audit report fields not populating – Processing issues with the Currency parameter were causing some fields on the Sales Audit Report to be empty. Those fields are now populated. (Issue 725325)

  • Sales Audit report missing value for credit card type – When no credit card type was returned from the payment gateway, reporting from End of Day (EOD) processing showed "Card type not specified" or "Card type is empty." The reporting has been updated for this scenario. (Issue 728352)

  • Slow performance removing customer from transaction – For setups with a large customer database, removing a customer selected for a transaction could be slow. Performance for this scenario was improved.

  • Some NSPOS services not working after update to Windows 11 – Certain NSPOS services were reported as not working after customers updated the register operating system (OS) from Windows 10 to Windows 11. A fix was applied to correct this issue. (Issue 727000)

  • Suspended transactions not resuming if they include transaction-level comments – If a cashier had added comments to a transaction and then suspended it, the transaction could not resume. This issue has been corrected. (Issue 726296)


    When resuming a suspended transaction, any comments added previously become visible in the journal and are printed on the receipt.

  • Unwanted text on receipt when sales associate selected – Field label text appeared on the receipt with the sales associate/operator's name when an associate was selected during a transaction. Now only the name is included on the receipt.

Verifying an E-fix Was Deployed

You can verify that the e-fix was deployed to your server by viewing any active RA-Workstation record in NetSuite ERP. For more information, see Appendix: NSPOS Release Types and Verification.

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