Entering the Operating Expense Forecast Values by Department

Use the OpEx by Dept form to enter departmental Forecasts. The OpEx by Dept form summarizes the operating expenses, in selected Currency, by Department using the NetSuite General Ledger accounts. The Actuals appear next to Forecast values so that you can view end-of-year and future-year projections side-by-side.

To enter the operating expense Forecast by Department at Account level:


To see the results of your changes, go to Financials > Income Statement.

  1. From the Home page, click the OpEx card.

  2. To go to the OpEx Planning forms, click the 1 tab on the left-hand side.

  3. Click OpEx by Dept.

  4. In the Point of View, select a Version, Subsidiary, Currency, and Department.


    You can alter the Point of View to review a single or total Department expense under child or parent subsidiaries.

  5. To apply the changes, click the Go icon Screenshot of the Go icon.

  6. To update the Forecast value on an Account, click the arrow in the cell that intersects the relevant Account row and the Trend OpEx column.

    Select the trend to use. Alternatively, select Manual to manually enter Forecast values.


    You can only enter Forecast values where the trend is set to Manual or is blank. If you select a trend based on historical data, the Forecast values automatically populate based on that selected trend.

  7. For Account members set to a trend, in the Adj (%) column, enter the percentage increase or decrease as a decimal value. For example, enter 0.01 for a 1% increase or -0.01 for a 1% decrease.


    If you enter a percentage value in the Adj (%) column for an Account set to Manual, the adjustment will not be applied.

  8. For Account members set to Manual, enter the Forecast values for each Forecast period. Alternatively, in the Total column, enter the total Forecast value for the Forecast periods for the relevant financial Year.


    If there are no previous values in the data grid for the Account row, the total spreads back over the periods evenly. If previous values exist in the data grid for the Account row, the total spreads back over the periods proportionally.

  9. (Optional) To view more details of a specific Account, click the Account to highlight the row. Then, right-click the Account and select Drill to Account Details.

  10. Click Save.


    You may encounter performance issues if the OpEx by Dept form is saved when the Department dimension is set to Total Department.

  11. To populate top-level members with the adjusted data in the input currency, right-click the data grid and select Aggregate to Income Statement.

  12. (Optional) To have your changes reflected in the relevant financial statements in the input and reporting currencies:

    1. Go to the Home page and click the Rules card.

    2. Beside the ruleset NFS_All Accts Forecast Data Refresh, click the Launch arrow.

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