Entering Departmental Operating Expense Forecast Values by Account

Use the OpEx Detail form to update departmental Forecast amounts by Account. If needed, you can add (or remove) detail lines per Account to enter detailed operating expense Forecasts by Account and in the selected Currency.


Where you enter single Forecast values by Account on the OpEx by Dept form, you can enter detailed Forecast values on the OpEx Detail form.

Read the following topics to learn more about using the OpEx Detail form:

Updating Departmental Forecast Amounts

Use this form to update departmental Forecast amounts by detail line.

To update departmental Forecast amounts:

  1. From the Home page, click the OpEx card.

  2. To go to the OpEx Planning forms, click the 1 tab on the left-hand side.

  3. Click OpEx Detail.

  4. In the Point of View, select a Version, Subsidiary, Currency, and Department.

  5. To apply the changes, click the Go icon Screenshot of the Go icon.

  6. To populate top-level members with the adjusted data in the input currency, right-click the data grid, and select Aggregate to Income Statement.

  7. Enter Forecast values in the open (white) cells.

  8. (Optional) In the third column, click an open cell to enter comments. You can enter comments only at the detail level.

  9. Click Save.

  10. (Optional) To have your changes reflected in the relevant financial statements in the input and reporting currencies:

    1. Go to the Home page and click the Rules card.

    2. Beside the ruleset NFS_All Accts Forecast Data Refresh, click the Launch arrow.

Adding or Removing Detail Lines

You can add detail lines, per Account, to enter detailed operating expense Forecasts by Account and in the selected Currency. You can also remove detail lines that you do not need.

To add OpEx Forecast detail lines:

  1. In the first column, right-click the cell (data area) of the relevant Account in the first column and select Add Detail Lines.

  2. In the popup window, enter the number of detail lines to add.

  3. Click Launch.

To remove OpEx Forecast detail lines:

  1. Click the detail line in that you want to remove in the Amount with Details column. This action highlights the row of the detail line.

    Right-click the cell in the Amount with Details column, and select Remove Detail Lines.

  2. In the popup window, ensure that the selected detail line is the one you want to remove.

  3. Click Launch.

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General Notices