Entering or Generating Sales Forecasts for Revenue by Customer

The Revenue by Customer form shows Revenue data by Item hierarchy for Customers and Revenue Accounts. The form shows Customers who have previously purchased the selected Item, or for whom a Forecast has already been entered. The form is totaled by Customer Category for the selected Item and Class. Actuals appear next to Forecast values so that you can compare the end-of-year and future-year projections side-by-side.

Use this form to enter sales Forecast or have sales Forecasts generated based on trends for Customers by the selected Customer Category, Inventory Item, and Class. You can also add additional Customer rows for existing and new Customers.

To enter sales Forecasts or have sales Forecasts generated by Customer:

  1. From the Home page, click the Revenue and Gross Margin card.

  2. To go to the Trend Based Revenue forms, click the 1 tab on the left-hand side.

  3. Click Revenue by Customer.

  4. In the Point of View, select a Version, Customer Category, Subsidiary, Currency, Class, and Item.

  5. To apply the changes, click the Go icon Screenshot of the Go icon.

    The Revenue General Ledger Account members appear in the first column. The Customer members in the selected Customer Category appear in the second column.

  6. Click the arrow in the cell that intersects the relevant Account row and the Trend Revenue column.

    Select the trend to use based on historical data. Alternatively, select Manual to manually enter Forecast values.


    You can only enter Forecast values if you set the trend to Manual or if the trend is blank. If you select a trend based on historical data, the Forecast values automatically populate based on that selected trend.

  7. For Account members set to a trend, in the Adj (%) column, enter the percentage increase or decrease as a decimal value. For example, enter 0.01 for a 1% increase or -0.01 for a 1% decrease.


    In the Adj (%) column, if you enter a percentage for an Account that is set to Manual, then the adjustment will not be applied.

  8. For Account members set to Manual, enter the Forecast values for each Forecast period. Alternatively, in the Total column, enter the total Forecast value for the Forecast periods.


    If there are no previous values in the data grid for the Account row, the total spreads back over the periods evenly. If previous values exist in the data grid for the Account row, the total spreads back over the periods proportionally.

  9. (Optional) For Account members set to Manual, to apply a value or percentage increase or decrease on an existing total:

    1. In the Total column, right-click the cell (data area) for an Account, and then select Adjust > Adjust Data. You may need to use the horizontal scroll bar to see the Total column.

    2. The Adjust Data popup window appears. In the Adjust By field, enter a value or percentage, then select either the Value icon Screenshot of the Value icon or the Percentage icon Screenshot of the Percentage icon.

    3. Click Apply.

  10. (Optional) To view detailed Revenue information for a specific Account, right-click a Customer row and select Drill to Account Details.

  11. (Optional) To quickly go to the Revenue by Item form to enter the Customer Forecast by Item, right-click a Customer and select Revenue by Item.

    The Revenue by Item form opens in a new tab within the application. The form shows the Forecast for the Customer that you selected.

  12. Click Save.

  13. To populate top-level members with the adjusted data in input currency, right-click the data grid and select Aggregate to Income Statement.

  14. (Optional) To have your changes reflected in the relevant financial statements in the input and reporting currencies:

    1. Go to the Home page and click the Rules card.

    2. Beside the ruleset NFS_All Accts Forecast Data Refresh, click the Launch arrow.

Additionally, you can add new Customer rows to an Account to enter Forecast values for an existing Customer or a new Customer. Read the following topics to learn more:

Adding New Rows for an Existing Customer to the Forecast

You can add to the Forecast a customer who has not made purchases of the selected Item and for whom no Forecast has been entered yet. This enables you to enter Forecast values for this customer for the selected Item. To add such a customer to the form, you must add a new Customer row to an Account.

To add a new row for an existing Customer:

  1. In the first column, right-click the Account that you want to add a new Customer row to and select Update Existing Customer.

    The page refreshes and the form shows new Customer rows for you to populate.

  2. Next to the relevant Account, click the arrow in the same cell that contains the o---------Select Customer---------> text.

  3. In the Search field, enter the Customer name. Alternatively, scroll down the list and select the Customer from the list.

    The application adds the Customer to the selected Account.

  4. Enter the Forecast values for the selected Customer.

  5. Click Save.

Adding New Rows for a New Customer

You can add potential Customers that are not listed on the form to the Forecast by using the Revenue - New Customer by Account form. To enter Forecast values for a new Customer, add a generic Customer row to an Account in the Revenue Forecast.

To add a new generic row for a new Customer:

  1. In the first column, right-click the Account that you want to add a new Customer row to and select Add New Customer.

    The Revenue - New Customer by Account form opens in a new tab within the application.

  2. Enter the Forecast values for one or more new Customers.

  3. Click Save.

  4. To populate top-level members with the adjusted data in input currency, right-click the data grid and select Aggregate to Income Statement.

  5. Click Revenue by Customer to return to the Revenue by Customer form.

  6. To see the new Customer's Forecast, in the POV, change your Customer Category selection to Total New Customer.

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