Setting Transaction Body or Line Fields Based on Configuration Data


A former way to set transaction line fields was through the Order Column Mapping field on the additional item record (called the breakout item record) and the WO Column Mapping field on the material record. If you want to switch from these fields to mapping records to set transaction line fields, move the information to mapping records and leave these fields blank.

NetSuite CPQ Configurator can set body and line fields based on configuration data to help you save time filling in transactions and make additional configuration data available for transactions if you have previously created the custom fields to host the data.

After making additional configuration information available for transactions, you can use it with other NetSuite capabilities, such as creating reports, launching workflows, or creating documents. For example, if you have a desk as a configurable item, you can add information about the wood type to the transaction, create a report to find the type customers prefer, and increase its stock. For more information about creating custom transaction body and line fields, see Creating Custom Transaction Body Fields and Creating Custom Transaction Line Fields.


Do not use mapping records to replace transaction field values automatically set by NetSuite CPQ Configurator, such as the item, quantity, and rate, and the custom fields used by this SuiteApp to work properly. For more information about these custom fields, see Maintaining Enabled Specific Custom Transaction Body and Line Fields.

You can set body and line fields for all the transactions that NetSuite CPQ Configurator works with, work orders included. For more information about eligible transactions, see Selecting Eligible Transactions.

NetSuite CPQ Configurator relies on mapping records to set body and line fields for eligible transactions. Mapping records store the information about the fields to be set, such as the transaction types to which the fields belong, the field values, and the rule determining whether the fields will be set. A mapping record becomes active if its rule matches questions and answers selected by users on the interface.

The sequence number determines the order in which mapping records set fields on transactions after users submit the configuration or create the work order. NetSuite CPQ Configurator applies mapping records with a lower sequence number before those with a higher sequence number, regardless of whether they set body or line fields.

You can set fields for multiple transaction types in the same mapping record. If a field is shared across multiple transaction types, NetSuite CPQ Configurator applies the same value to all the selected transaction types. If you want to set different values for fields shared across multiple transaction types, create a mapping record for each transaction.

Two mapping record types are available:


Install NetSuite CPQ Manufacturing to apply mapping records to work orders, materials, and routing steps.

To set line fields for the main configured item on transactions, go to the product record and select the mapping records in the Apply Column Mappings field. The main configured item is represented by the base item. For more information about base items, see Assigning Base Items to Products.

When setting line fields for additional items, you can apply mapping records to all additional items for a product or only to specific ones. You can view the shared mapping records in the Common Column Mappings field on the additional item record. To apply mapping records to a specific additional item, select the mapping records in the Apply Column Mappings field on the additional item record. For more information about linking an additional item to mapping records, see Including Additional Items Related to the Configurable Item.

After users submit the configuration, NetSuite CPQ Configurator sets field values on transactions for the main configured item and additional items based on information stored on mapping records.

When creating work orders, you can apply mapping records that set fields for all materials or routing steps in a product or only for specific ones. You can view the shared mapping records in the Common Column Mappings field on the material and the routing step records. To apply mapping records to specific materials or routing steps, assign the mapping records to the materials or the routing steps through the Apply Column Mappings field on the respective records. For more information about materials and routing steps, see Defining Materials for the Configurable Item and Defining Routing Steps to Build the Configurable Item.

After users click the Convert WO button to create a work order from a sales order, NetSuite CPQ Configurator sets line fields for the materials added as components and fields for the routing steps added as operation tasks to the work order.

Creating mapping records to set body and line fields involves similar steps. A few additional options are required when creating mapping records that set line fields.

To create a transaction body or line field mapping record:

  1. On a saved product, go to the Data Mapping subtab.

  2. Depending on what type of mapping record you want to create, click the related button:

    • To create a body field mapping record, click New CPQC Body Field Mapping.

    • To create a line field mapping record, click New CPQC Component Field Mapping.

  3. Provide a descriptive name for the body or line mapping record.

  4. Provide a sequence number to determine the order in which the mapping record is applied.

    You can enter a negative or positive number—for example, −2 or 5.

  5. Select the transaction types to which you want to apply the mapping record.

  6. If you want to apply a line field mapping record to all additional items, check the Apply to all items box.

  7. If you work with a work order on a line field mapping record, select whether you want to set the field values for the component or the operation task in the Work Order Target field.

  8. If you work with a work order and want to apply a line field mapping record to all materials, check the Apply to all materials box.

  9. If you work with a work order and want to apply a line field mapping record to all routing steps, check the Apply to all routings box.

  10. In the Show Rule field, provide the question and answer combination that determines whether NetSuite CPQ Configurator applies the data mapping record.

    Enter question and answer codes separated by the forward slash character. For example, A/1. Use operators to combine multiple question and answer sets. For example, A/1&B/2. For more information, see Activating Building Blocks with Rules.

  11. In the Fields subtab, click Add to set values for transaction body or line fields.

  12. Select a field from the dropdown list.

  13. To provide a value for the field, two options are available:

    • In the Select Value column, perform the task required by the field, such as selecting an option, entering a value, or checking a box. This column shows the fields in the same way as they are displayed on the corresponding transaction. For example, you can see a dropdown list, click the button, and select an option.

    • In the Value column, enter a resolve expression, such as {A/1}. For more information, see Obtaining Answer Data with Resolve Expressions.

      When using resolve expressions, NetSuite CPQ Configurator cannot predict the value assigned to the field and requires you to set any available value in the Emulated Value column. The value you select in this field does not matter. NetSuite CPQ Configurator uses this value to dynamically determine all related required fields, the fields to be dimmed, and the fields to be filled in with default values based on the fields you set.

  14. Repeat steps 11 – 13 to set values for as many fields as required.

  15. Click Save.

General Notices