Creating Work Orders for Configured Items


Install NetSuite CPQ Manufacturing to create work orders using materials and routing steps from configured items. For more information, see Installing NetSuite CPQ SuiteApps. Your account must also have manufacturing capabilities to install NetSuite CPQ Manufacturing. Contact your NetSuite representative for more information.

With NetSuite CPQ Manufacturing, you can create work orders for configured items having an assembly as the base item (called the base generic product). To create work orders from sales orders, NetSuite CPQ Manufacturing uses materials and routing steps from configured items added to the sales order with NetSuite CPQ Configurator. For more information about work orders in NetSuite, see Assembly Work Orders.

To create work orders for configured items, implement the following prerequisites:

  1. Always maintain enabled the Build WO field (field ID: custcol_cpqm_item_col_buildwo) on sales orders. During the installation, NetSuite CPQ Manufacturing automatically creates and enables this custom line field on sales orders to let users create work orders.

  2. Create an assembly to use as the base item following the specific requirements. For more information, see Creating Assemblies to Use as Base Items.


    If you created the assembly base item through an item creation record, you must create the work order following the standard NetSuite process. For more information, see Creating Work Orders From a Sales Orders.

  3. Assign the assembly as the base item to your NetSuite CPQ Configurator product. For more information, see Assigning Base Items to Products.

  4. Enable the Convert WO button for sales orders in NetSuite CPQ Manufacturing. For more information, see Enabling the Convert WO Button.

  5. Create materials and routing steps to build the configured item with NetSuite CPQ Configurator. Items used as materials must have the same subsidiary as the sales order. For more information, see Defining Materials for the Configurable Item and Defining Routing Steps to Build the Configurable Item.

After submitting the configuration, the configured item is added under the Items subtab of the sales order. After saving the sales order, users can edit it and click the Convert WO button to create the work order. This button is placed at the top and bottom of the sales order and on the configured item line. After creating the work order, users can click the work order number link to view its content.

In the work order, users can find the materials under the Items subtab and the routing steps under the Operations subtab.

Creating Assemblies to Use as Base Items

If you want to create work orders for configured items, assemblies used as the base item (called the base generic product) must meet specific criteria. When creating the assembly, complete the following tasks to comply with the required criteria:

  1. If you work with advanced bills of materials, create a bill of materials and a revision with a placeholder component. Enter only the basic information required to save them. NetSuite CPQ Manufacturing uses this bill of materials and this revision as placeholders only. For more information, see Creating a New BOM Record and Creating BOM Revisions.

    If you do not work with the advanced bill of materials, add the placeholder component and the basic information required to save the assembly.

  2. Create a placeholder manufacturing routing, check its Default box, and add the basic information required to save it. For more information, see Creating a Manufacturing Routing.

  3. Check the WIP box on the assembly for the location selected on the sales order. Considering this is a placeholder assembly, you can mark all the available locations as WIP.

  4. Assign to the assembly and its placeholder component the same subsidiary as the sales order.

Enabling the Convert WO Button

Users can create work orders by clicking the Convert WO button on saved sales orders opened for editing. To enable the Convert WO button on sales orders, go to CPQ > Manufacturing > Settings. Check at least one of the following options:

  • Top/Bottom – Displays the Convert WO button at the top and bottom of sales orders. If users click one of these buttons, NetSuite CPQ Manufacturing creates a work order for each main configured item on the transaction.

  • Line Item – Displays the Convert WO button on the configurable line item. If users click this button, NetSuite CPQ Manufacturing creates a work order for that specific main configured item.

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