Setting Up Department Approvers for Engineering Change Order


Only administrators or roles with custom permissions can set up Department Approver records. For more information, see Customizing Roles for Engineering Change Order.

When you create an approval rule, you can require approval from an employee who is authorized to approve ECOs for a department. To select an employee as department approver, you must first set up a record for that employee. You can set up only one department approver per department, or combination of department and subsidiary.

To set up a department approver for engineering change orders:

  1. Go to Setup > Workflow Manager > Set Up Department Approver > New.

  2. Select a department and a subsidiary. For NetSuite OneWorld, the combination of department and subsidiary must be unique.

  3. In the Approver field, select the employee you want to assign as department approver.

  4. When you finish, click Save or Save & New to create another record.


Setting up of department approver records through SOAP web services or CSV import is not currently supported.

To edit a department approver record:

  1. Go to Setup > Workflow Manager > Set Up Department Approver.

  2. Click Edit next to the record you want to edit.

  3. Select new values on the Department Approver page. Check the Inactive box if you do not want this approver to be available for selection as department approver in any approval rule.

    Under Actions, select Delete and click OK in the confirmation message to remove the record.

  4. When you finish, click Save.

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