Payment Gateways

NetSuite supports a variety of payment acceptance or customer payment solutions. These pre-integrated SuitePayments partner solutions can be found at

Click on a listed partner solution to see more details. To inquire directly with the partner click the Contact Me button on the listing.

The legacy SECPay (PayPoint) gateway partner is maintained for existing accounts in NetSuite.

An add-on module is required to use the PayPal Payflow Pro gateway. For information on this module, please contact your account representative.

To set up a credit card gateway, go to Setup > Accounting > Payment Processing Profiles > New. For information see Setting Up Customer Credit Card Processing.

Credit Card Gateway Integration

NetSuite integrates with several credit card gateways to enable you, using your processor, to accept credit card payments from your customers. The gateway manages the flow of data and funds electronically between you, your customer, and the processors involved.

Credit card transactions consist of an initial exchange of data to authorize the transaction and a subsequent transfer of funds. The process begins in NetSuite with a Web site transaction or a traditional sales order. It involves:

For information regarding processing credit card payments from your customers, see:

Transitioning to a New Gateway and Disabling the Old Gateway

You can change the credit card gateway that you use to process credit card payments in NetSuite.

When you set up a credit card credit card gateway in NetSuite to process customer payments, you have the ability to select the types of transactions the gateway processes. The credit card processing profile page lists types of gateway requests enabled for the processor:

Manage the transition from one gateway to another by disabling the gateway request types for the old gateway in stages. This enables you to fulfill and bill sales authorized by the old gateway while using the new gateway for new sales authorizations and captures.

To transition from using one credit card gateway to another:

Setting up a New Gateway

Prerequisite: Establish a new account with a credit card gateway.

To set up a new gateway:

  1. Establish a new account with a credit card gateway.

  2. Add the new credit card credit card gateway in NetSuite. Verify that all the gateway request types are selected.

  3. Test the new account setup.

  4. When satisfied that the configuration works properly, clear the Test Mode box. The credit card gateway is now available to process transactions.

To update other settings:

  1. Do a search for assigned credit card processing profiles on customer records. Change or remove any that are set to the old gateway.

  2. Set or change the Supporting Merchant Accounts on existing payment methods to include the new gateway.

  3. If you have a Web site, set or change the credit card processing profile selected on the Web Site Setup page to the new gateway.

Partially Disable the Old Gateway

On the setup page for the old gateway, clear the following gateway request types:

The old gateway is still able to capture funds for existing authorizations and process refunds that reference transactions it previously processed. It is not going to process any new requests for authorizations.

To process open transactions:

  1. Determine the open sales orders and cash sales that were authorized by the old gateway.

  2. When a cash sale is created from a sales order, and the old gateway authorized the sales order, NetSuite processes this as a sale instead of a settlement referencing an authorization.

  3. When a refund references a cash sale processed by the old gateway, NetSuite creates a credit.

  4. Memorized transactions that reference the old gateway fails and returns an error message telling you to change the credit card processing profile on the base memorized transaction template. For more information, see Automatic Memorized Transactions and Memorizing a Transaction.

To fully disable the old gateway:

  1. After you bill all sales orders authorized by the old gateway, clear the Captures box for the credit card gateway. This is generally about 3-7 days after the last new sales order was created.

  2. Clear the Refunds box after you close the account with the provider.

  3. Check the Inactive box for the credit card gateway.

  4. Close the merchant account for the old gateway.

Resolving Processing Errors for Inactive Gateways

If you receive an error message that a gateway is inactive when trying to capture funds for a cash sale with an existing authorization, it means you have fully disabled and inactivated the gateway before processing all open transactions from that gateway.

To be able to save a cash sale and capture funds previously authorized you can reactivate the old gateway or select a different gateway to process the order.

To process the order and capture funds using the inactive gateway:

  1. On the setup page for the inactive gateway, change the Gateway Request Types:

    • Clear the Inactive box.

    • Check the Captures box.

  2. Save the cash sale. This initiates the request for the gateway to capture funds previously authorized for the cash sale.

To process the order and capture funds using a different gateway:

  1. Before saving the cash sale:

    • Clear the Charge Credit Card box.

    • Clear the data in P/N Ref and Auth. Code fields.

    • In the Payment Processing Profile field, select an active credit card gateway.

    • Check the Charge Credit Card box.

  2. Save the cash sale to resubmit the order for payment authorization and funds capture.

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General Notices