Installing and Setting Up SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm

SuiteCloud IDE plug-in for WebStorm is installed from within the WebStorm client. After you download and install WebStorm, you can add the IDE plug-in update site to the list of software updates.

To see how to install WebStorm and SuiteCloud IDE plug-in for WebStorm, see the help video SuiteCloud Development Framework: Installing SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm.

Installation of SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm


Before downloading SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm, read the Oracle Free Use Terms and Conditions license below.

The following license terms apply to those Programs that are not provided to You under Separate Terms.

Follow these steps to install SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm:

  1. Verify the prerequisites. For more information, see Installation Requirements for SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm and Supported Operating Systems for SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm.

  2. (Optional) Configure your account.

  3. Download WebStorm. For more information, see Downloading WebStorm.

  4. Add the SuiteCloud IDE Update Site. For more information, see Adding SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in to WebStorm.


    The version of SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm must match the version of your account to avoid the risk of compatibility errors.


    To configure a proxy server, create the SUITECLOUD_PROXY environment variable. To be valid, the variable value must include an http or https protocol, a hostname, and a port number, for example: http://proxyurl:proxyport. After creating the variable, restart WebStorm.

For information about the SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm features, see SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm Overview.

Setup for SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm

After installing the WebStorm plug-in, follow these steps to complete your setup:

  1. Create or open a SuiteCloud project. For more information, see Creating an Account Customization Project in SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm or Creating a SuiteApp Project in SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm.

  2. Connect to your accounts and roles. For more information, see Adding an Account in SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm.


To set up a different SuiteScript development environment instead of the WebStorm plug-in, see Working with IDEs Other Than SuiteCloud IDEs.

General Notices