SEO and Page Titles

The page title is an important component of your site’s SEO because it is the primary label for the page. Page titles should be descriptive, unique for each page, and contain keywords relative to the content of the page. The page title:

General consensus among SEO experts and major search providers is that page titles should be about 55 characters in length. Be as informative and succinct as possible with your page titles. Important keywords and phrases should appear first in the title where they are less likely to be truncated because of space limitations in search results.

The location where you set your page titles varies, depending on the page for which you need to set a title. See the following sections for information about setting page titles for a particular page:


There is a 300 character limit for all page title fields.

Home Page Title

By default, the title for the home page of a standard SCA site is Welcome to the Store. You can change the home page title to adhere to SEO best practice for page titles.

When using Site Management Tools, you can set the home page title by enhancing the home page. See Enhanced Pages.

If you use Content Delivery, you can set the home page with a custom module.

To change the home page title with a custom module:

  1. In your local source files, edit the HomeView.js file in your custom Home module.

  2. Locate the following line of code and replace Welcome to the Store with the value you want to use as the title for the home page of your site.

                         ,     title: _('Welcome to the Store').translate() 
  3. Deploy the custom module to your site. For more information about creating a custom module, see Develop Your SCA Customization.

For more information, see Setting Page Titles with Content Delivery.

Item Detail Page Titles

You specify the title for item details pages on the item record. This enables you to create a unique, and descriptive title for each item in your store. When you create titles for your item detail pages, follow SEO best practice and use a unique and descriptive title that includes the keywords or phrases for which a shopper is likely to search. Adopt a consistent title naming convention such as brand, item or brand, model, item. For example Major Brand Men’s Classic Oxford or Major Brand Z-Series LED Television. By adopting this practice, you standardize your item page titles site wide, and you also help ensure good SEO page titles for your items.

To set titles for item detail pages

  1. Go to Lists > Websites > Items.

  2. Click the Edit link for the item.

  3. On the Web Store subtab, enter the page title for the item in the Page Title field.

  4. Click Save.

For more information about item records, see Item Record Management.

Landing Page Titles

When you create a landing page you can set important SEO considerations for the landing page, including the page title. Common landing pages might include pages for About Us, Contact Us, Return Policy, and so on. Use the same SEO best practice principles as for other pages. A good page title for a contact us page is Your Company — Contact Us.

When using Site Management Tools, you can set the landing page titles when you create the landing page. Landing Pages.

If you use Content Delivery, you can set the landing page titles on the Content Delivery landing page record. Using Content Delivery.

Facet Search Page Titles

You can use enhanced pages to set SEO friendly page titles for your search pages. This enables you to create unique page titles for the different combination of facet filters applied to the page. For example, if a customer filters an item list page for a name brand manufacturer of sports equipment. You can set the page title Major Brand Sports Equipment. Or if the filter is for men’s loafers for a major designer you can set the page title to Major Designer Men’s Loafers.

When using Site Management Tools, you set the titles by enhancing the facet page. Enhanced Pages.

If you use Content Delivery, you can create a Content Delivery enhanced page to set the title. Using Content Delivery.

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