Conversion Cost Calculations for Assembled Costs and Fully Exploded Costs Subtabs

The following table contains formulas and criteria based on which the conversion cost for assembled costs and fully exploded items costs subtabs are calculated:

Cost Calculation



Labor Run and Labor Run Overhead


Cost * Labor Resources * (Run Rate/60) * Quantity for build

Labor Setup and Labor setup Overhead

if (Quantity for build < Costing Lot Size)

Cost * Labor Resources * (Setup Time/60)* (Quantity for Build / Costing Lot Size)

Labor Setup and Labor setup Overhead

if (Quantity for build > Costing Lot Size)

Cost * Labor Resources * (Setup Time/60)

Machine Run and Machine Run Overhead


Cost * Machine Resources * (Run Rate/60) * Quantity for build

Machine Setup and Machine Setup Overhead

if (Quantity for build < Costing Lot Size)

Cost * Machine Resources * (Setup Time/60)* (Quantity for build / Costing Lot Size)

Machine Setup and Machine Setup Overhead

if (Quantity for build > Costing Lot Size)

Cost * Machine Resources * (Setup Time/60)


Quantity for build is calculated by considering the base unit (unit of measure) of the .

The following table contains details of where the formula values are retrieved from:

Formula Component

Retrieved From


Manufacturing Cost Template page

Labor Resources

Manufacturing Routing page

Machine Resources

Manufacturing Routing page

Setup Time

Manufacturing Routing page

Run Rate

Manufacturing Routing page

Costing Lot Size

Item Location Configuration page

Quantity for build

Product of quantity per top level assembly and build quantity.

Watch the following help video for cost calculation methods:

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