Working with Smart Count Review

The Smart Count Review page, from Transactions > Smart Count > Count Review, lists up to 5000 item count records for review. On this page, the Administrator or Smart Count Inventory Manager roles can approve count, reject count, or mark items for recount. The Administrator can also view this page for all subsidiaries.

The Smart Count Review page includes the following sections:

Primary Filters

The Primary Filters section provides filters to display the required information in the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Report sections. You can use these filters to generate a report and display in the Report section.

In new accounts, the page displays the Location and Date filters by default. You can add or remove filters as necessary. If you click Reset Filters, you can also reset the filter values.

To add or remove filters:

  1. In the Primary Filters section, click the icon beside Reset Filters.

  2. In the Filters popup window, check the boxes beside the filters that you want to add. To remove a filter, clear the box beside a filter.

  3. (Optional) Check the View Selected box to view only selected filters.

  4. (Optional) To revert to default settings, click Revert to Default.

  5. Click Save.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The KPI section displays item count data based on the values selected in the primary filters. To display a report based on a KPI in the Report section, click a key performance indicator.


The Report section provides detailed information about item counts. The information in this section varies based on the selected primary filters and KPIs.

The section also includes the following:

  • Over Threshold – This legend highlights the variance quantity and variance amount for an item count when it is over the threshold.

  • Search – This search box lets you search for an item count in the report.

  • Show Comments Popup on Action – When you check this box, the SuiteApp displays a Comments popup window when you click Approve, Reject, or Recount on the Smart Count Review page.

You can also customize the report by excluding or including columns in it.

To customize the report:

  1. In the Report section, click the icon beside the Search box.

  2. In the Customize Report popup window, check the boxes that you want to include and clear the boxes that you want to exclude from the report.

  3. Check the View Selected box to review the selected columns.

  4. Click Save.

The following table provides information about the fields on the Smart Count Review page.




Primary Filters


This field lists the active classes.

Classes are categories that you can use to identify and track records in your NetSuite account.


The filter is available only if you enable the Classes feature and add the Classes permission to a role.

Counted By

This field lists the names of all the inventory counters who performed inventory counting in different locations.

Count Reason

This field lists the reason for performing the count. For example, item due for count or spot count.

Count Status

This field lists all the item count statuses.


This fields enables you to select a date range for which you want to view data.

You must select a date range that is within 18 months.


This field lists all locations accessible to your role.


This field lists the different count variance scenarios encountered during item count including zero variance, within tolerance, and over tolerance.


This field lists the active vendors.


The filter is available only if you enable the Classes feature and add the Classes permission to a role.

Key Performance Indicators

Total Counts with Zero Variance

This portlet displays total item counts with zero quantity variance.

Total Counts Pending

This portlet displays item counts that are in Paused or In Progress state.

Total Items/Locations Count

This portlet displays the total item counts performed in the selected or all locations.

For example, if there are 5 locations and the total item counts performed in all 5 locations is 10, the portlet displays 10/5.

Total Unapproved Counts

This portlet displays the total unapproved counts.

Unapproved Counts with Variance Over Tolerance

This portlet displays the total unapproved item counts with quantity variance over the tolerance.

Unapproved Counts with On-hand Change

This portlet displays the total unapproved item counts with changes in on-hand quantities.

Unapproved Counts with Variance Within Tolerance

This portlet displays the total unapproved item counts with quantity variance within the tolerance.



This column displays the aisle assigned to an item.

This column becomes available only when you set the Select Zone and Aisle for Counting preference.

Actual Count/Approved Count

This column displays the actual or approved count quantity of an item.


If an item uses bin, the column displays the bin that contains the item.

Counted By

This column displays the employee's name who counted an item.

Count Reason

This column displays the reason for performing an item count.

Count Status

This column displays item count statuses such as Pending Approval, Tolerance Error, and others.

The SuiteApp removes the canceled item counts that are 30 days old from the Smart Count Review page.

Item Description

The column displays an item's description.

Item Number

This column displays an item's number.


This column displays the location where the item count is performed.

The location is displayed based on what is selected in the Location field in the Primary Filters section.

On-hand Change During Count

This column displays the on-hand quantity change when the item was counted.

System Remarks

This column displays the system remarks for an item count.

User Comments

This column displays the counter's remarks entered during item count.

Variance Amount

This column displays the variance in amount for an item.

Variance Quantity

This column displays the variance in quantity for an item.

Variance Quantity in Stock Units

This column displays the variance in quantity in terms of stock units.


This column displays the zone assigned to an item in its bin record.

This column becomes available only when you set the Select Zone and Aisle for Counting preference.

Approving or Rejecting Item Count Records

You can approve or reject item count records on the Smart Count Review page. For serialized and lot numbered items, you can also review the serial numbers and lot numbers. For more information, see Approving, Rejecting, or Recounting Serialized and Lot Numbered Items.


You can approve or reject item count records with Pending Approval, Paused, or Tolerance Error statuses only. To learn about the different item count statuses, see Item Count Statuses.

To approve or reject an item count record.

  1. Go to Transactions > Smart Count > Count Review.

  2. Check the box beside the item count record that you want to approve or reject.

  3. Click Approve or Reject.

  4. If you have set the Confirm Before Approving, Rejecting, or Selecting Recount preference, a confirmation message appears. Click OK.

To approve or reject item count records in one go, click the arrow next to the Approve or Reject buttons. Then, click Approve All or Reject All.

Selecting Item Count Records for Recount

On the Smart Count Review page, you can select item count records for recount and assign recount tasks to employees. To assign recount tasks, you must first set the Confirm Before Approving, Rejecting, or Selecting Recount preference on the Smart Count Preferences page. When you set the preference, the SuiteApp provides the option to select an employee when you select items for recount.

To select an item for recount and assigning the task to an employee:

  1. Go to Transactions > Smart Count > Count Review.

  2. Check the boxes beside the item count records that you want to recount.

  3. Check the box beside the item count record that you want to select for recount.

  4. Click Recount.

  5. The following steps are applicable only if you have set the Confirm Before Approving, Rejecting, or Selecting Recount preference.

    1. A confirmation message appears. Click OK.

    2. In the Assign Recount popup window, select an employee's name for assignment. If no employee is selected, the task will be assigned to all employees.

    3. Click OK.

  6. Click OK.

To select all item count records for recount in one go, click the arrow next to the Recount button. Then, click Recount All.

When you mark items for recount on the Smart Count Review page, consequently, the Recount option is displayed for those items on the task list.

Approving, Rejecting, or Recounting Serialized and Lot Numbered Items

You can review the scanned and unscanned serialized and lot items before you approve, reject, or recount item count records.

To approve, reject, or recount serialized and lot numbered items:

  1. Go to Transactions > Smart Count > Count Review.

  2. In the Report section, in the Count Status column, click the Pending Approval or Tolerance Error link.

  3. In the popup window, review the scanned items. The popup window displays the scanned and unscanned serial and lot numbers.

  4. Click Approve, Reject, or Recount.

  5. The following steps are applicable only if you have set the Confirm Before Approving, Rejecting, or Selecting Recount preference.

    1. A confirmation message appears. Click OK.

    2. For items marked for recount, in the Assign Recount popup window, select an employee's name for assignment. If no employee is selected, the task will be assigned to all employees.

    3. Click OK.


When approving item count record, note the following points:

  • If you approve an item count record that contains unscanned items, an inventory adjustment transaction is created to remove the unscanned items from the inventory.

  • The SuiteApp creates a negative inventory adjustment in the following scenarios. You will get an error for these scenarios when you try to complete an item count on the task list, try to complete all counts, or approve an item count on the Smart Count Review page.

    • Available quantity is less than the quantity on hand.

    • Available quantity and on-hand quantity are equal but is less than the snapshot quantity at count end.

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