Migrating from Google Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4

Google will end data collection for the Google Universal Analytics (GUA) service on July 1, 2023. You will no longer be able to use GUA to analyze new data, such as new visitor data to your NetSuite Commerce web store. Migrate to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) to continue using Google’s analytics services to collect new data on your Commerce website.


You will still be able to analyze existing data you gathered through GUA for an additional six months from July 1, 2023.

The following Google support topics provide helpful information about migrating from GUA to GA4:


Do not follow these steps if you use GUA with Google Tag Manager (GTM). Doing so causes duplicate tracking results. See Migrating from Google Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 with GTM for information about migrating to GA4 with GTM.

To migrate from GUA to GA4:

  1. Configure GA4 in your Google Analytics account. See Configuring Google Analytics 4 for instructions, including how to set up a Google Analytics account and create an GA4 property.

  2. Enable GA4 in NetSuite to implement GA4 on your Commerce website. See Enable Google Analytics 4 in NetSuite.

  3. Set up conversion events and funnels in your Google Analytics account. See Google Analytics 4 Conversion Events.


To migrate from GUA to GA4 on pre-2022.1 implementations of SuiteCommerce Advanced, first you need to enable GA4. See Guide to Enable Google Analytics 4 for instructions.

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