Store Pickup Fulfillment

The store pickup fulfillment record is used when you fulfill an order from a location that allows store fulfillment and the fulfillment choice of line items in the order is Store Pickup.

For help working with this record in the UI, see Fulfilling Store Pickup Orders.


If there are other line items in the sales order with the fulfillment choice set to Ship, you create an item fulfillment record for those lines. See Item Fulfillment for more information.

The internal ID for this record is storepickupfulfillment.

For information about scripting with this record in SuiteScript, see the following help topics:

Supported Script Types

The store pickup fulfillment record is scriptable in both client and server SuiteScript.

Supported Functions

The store pickup fulfillment record supports the following functions: read, edit, transform, delete, and search.


The create and copy functions are not supported.

Usage Notes

To use this record, you must have the Store Pickup feature enabled. See Store Pickup for more information about enabling and configuring the feature in NetSuite.

You should use the Store Pickup feature with the Fulfillment Request feature when possible. A fulfillment request is an intermediate record between the sales order and the store pickup fulfillment. With this intermediate record, you can better manage workload at a store location, as well as add fulfillment exceptions if there are problems fulfilling an item. With the Fulfillment Request feature enabled, you first create a sales order, then transform the sales order record to a fulfillment request record, and finally you transform the fulfillment request record to a store pickup fulfillment request record. See Example 1.

If the Fulfillment Request feature is not enabled, you transform the sales order record to a store pickup fulfillment record. See Example 2.

In both cases, the Fulfillment Choice field must be set to Store Pickup at the line-item level in the sales order.

Code Samples

Example 1: Create a store pickup fulfillment from a sales order. The sales order ID is 321654. The fulfillment request ID is 221100 and is passed to the record.transform(options) API as a hash table.

          var fulfillmentRequestRecord = {"fftreqid" : 221100};

var storePickupFulfillRecord = record.transform({

    fromType: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,

    fromId: 321654,

    toType: record.Type.STORE_PICKUP_FULFILLMENT,

    defaultValues: fulfillmentRequestRecord


var storePickupFulfillRecordId =; 


Example 2: Create a fulfillment request from a sales order.

          var fulfillmentRequestRecord = record.transform({

    fromType: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,

    fromId: 321654,

    toType: record.Type.FULFILLMENT_REQUEST


var fulfillmentRequestRecordId =; 


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General Notices