Store Pickup


The Store Pickup feature is available in the following editions of NetSuite: U.S., Canada, UK, Australia, and OneWorld.


The Store Pickup feature is not compatible with the SuiteTax feature. See General SuiteTax Topics for more information.

Store pickup, also known as store pickup fulfillment, lets you fulfill orders from a retail location instead of a warehouse or distribution center. Instead of customers having their order shipped to their home or workplace address, they can visit a retail location of their choice to collect the order. By enabling store pickup, you can offer your customers an additional convenient way to receive their orders, eliminate shipping charges for your customers, and increase foot traffic and cross-selling opportunities at your retail locations.

You can use the Store Pickup feature either with or without the Fulfillment Request feature. A fulfillment request is an intermediary record between the sales order and the store pickup fulfillment record. If you do not use fulfillment requests, you can fulfill a store pickup order directly from the sales order record – see Fulfilling Store Pickup Orders from Sales Orders.

By using fulfillment requests for store pickup orders, you get a more detailed store pickup order workflow, as well as the ability to identify issues with inventory and improve the store fulfillment process.

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General Notices