Creating Store Pickup Sales Orders

If you use the Store Pickup feature, you can enter a sales order for store pickup. The Store Pickup feature lets you create store pickup orders at store locations and fulfill the orders. By using the Store Pickup feature with the Fulfillment Request feature, you can also manage the workload at stores and enter fulfillment exceptions if there are problems fulfilling the order. You should use fulfillment requests with store pickup orders.


Using the Store Pickup feature requires several setup steps to be completed before you are able to create a store pickup order. See Setting Up Store Pickup for more information.

Entering a store pickup order is similar to entering a standard sales order, except you specify the fulfillment method for each line item as Store Pickup and choose the store at which the customer wants to pick up the order.

To enter a sales order for store pickup

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders.

  2. Select a custom sales order form for store pickup.

  3. In the Customer field, select the customer. Enter other information such as the transaction date and the status. See Creating Sales Orders for more information.

  4. On the Items subtab, add the items for the store pickup order:

    1. Select the item in the Item column.

      If an item does not appear in the list, it might not be available for store pickup. You can check this by viewing the item record.

    2. In the Fulfillment Choice column, select Store Pickup as the fulfillment method.

    3. In the Location column select the store at which the customer wants to pick up the order.

      If the Intercompany Cross-Subsidiary Fulfillment feature is enabled, select the store in the Inventory Location column instead of the Location column. Cross-subsidiary fulfillment lets you fulfill orders from locations in the transaction subsidiary as well as locations in other subsidiaries. The list of locations can include store locations from other subsidiaries. See Intercompany Cross-Subsidiary Fulfillment for more information.

      If a particular location does not appear in the list, store pickup might not be allowed at the location for the item. You can check this by viewing the item record.

  5. Click Save.

After a sales order is entered, you can edit it. However, in the case of a store pickup order, the Fulfillment Choice field becomes read only if another transaction has already been created from the sales order. For example, if a fulfillment request already exists for a line in the sales order, the Fulfillment Choice cannot be changed for that line in the sales order. Other transactions that prevent changing the Fulfillment Choice field include the Store Pickup Fulfillment transaction and the Item Fulfillment transaction.

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