Enabling Store Pickup

To fulfill store pickup orders in NetSuite, you must enable the Store Pickup feature. You should also enable the Fulfillment Request feature to benefit from all aspects of the Store Pickup feature, including email notifications, fulfillment exceptions, and automatic creation of fulfillment requests.


If you do not use the Fulfillment Request feature in your account, you can still create store pickup orders and fulfill them directly from the sales order. See Fulfilling Store Pickup Orders from Sales Orders.

For more information about access to the Store Pickup feature, contact your account manager.

To enable store pickup:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features (Administrator).

  2. In the Transactions subtab, under Shipping & Receiving, do the following:

    • Check the Store Pickup box under Shipping & Receiving.

      The Store Pickup feature uses the Pick, Pack, and Ship feature. If not already enabled, you must enable it.

    • Check the Fulfillment Request box to use fulfillment requests in the store pickup workflow .

  3. Click Save.

    After you enable the Store Pickup feature, configure other records and settings in your account. See Setting Up Store Pickup.

When you enable the Store Pickup feature:

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