Fulfilling Store Pickup Orders from Sales Orders

If you do not use the Fulfillment Request feature to fulfill store pickup orders, you must fulfill the orders directly from the sales order. First, you create a store pickup fulfillment record on which you mark the items as picked. Then, when the customer visits the store to collect the items, you mark the items as picked up on the same store pickup fulfillment record.


If the Fulfillment Request feature is enabled, you have to create a fulfillment request to fulfill a store pickup order. You create the fulfillment request from the sales order and then you create the store pickup fulfillment record. See Fulfilling Store Pickup Orders from Fulfillment Requests for more information.

To mark items as picked:

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders > List and click View next to the sales order you want to fulfill.

  2. Click Create Pickup.

    NetSuite displays the Store Pickup Fulfillment page with the Status field set to Picked.

  3. In the Items subtab, make sure the Fulfill box is checked for each item you want to mark as picked.


    If there are lines in the store pickup fulfillment with different locations, you must choose a single location at which to mark the items as picked. You do this by clearing the Fulfill box of the lines with different locations. You can then create a separate store pickup fulfillment record at a later stage for the lines you cleared. You can create as many store pickup fulfillment records as required to fulfill the sales order.

  4. Click Save to create the store pickup fulfillment.

Marking items as picked up:

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Manage Store Pickup > List.

  2. Click View next to the store pickup order you want to fulfill.

  3. Click Mark Picked Up to confirm the customer has collected the items.

    After you mark all items as picked up, the status of the store pickup fulfillment record is Picked Up. The status of the original sales order changes to Pending Billing if payment has not yet been received.

If you only want to mark some items as picked up, open the store pickup fulfillment record for editing. Check the Fulfill box next to the picked up items and then set the Status field to Picked Up. When you save the record, only the selected items are included in the store pickup fulfillment. Other items that were not picked up are unpicked. You must create another store pickup fulfillment record to fulfill those items.

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