Deferred Expense Rollforward Transaction Details Report

The Deferred Expense Rollforward Transaction Details report is available when either the Amortization or the Advanced Revenue Management (Essentials) feature is enabled.


If you have a large number of transactions, schedule this report to run in the background during off-peak hours and alert you when finished. For information, see Scheduling a Report.

The Deferred Expense Rollforward Transaction Details report adds Source Document Type and Source Document Number columns. The other columns in the report are the same as in the Deferred Expense Rollforward Entity report. This report is grouped by Source Document Number, Entity, and Deferred Expense Account.

Vendor credits are displayed on different lines than their related vendor bills.

Any line labeled Unassigned in this report includes transactions with items that do not have an associated deferred expense account.

You can identify the source document type in the report and drill down to the original source. The following table shows how the source document type in the report is derived from transactions.


1st Level Parent

2nd Level Parent

3rd Level Parent

Source Document Type

Bill Credit

Bill Credit



Bill Credit

Amortization Journal Entry created from a Bill Credit

Amortization Journal Entry

Bill Credit


Bill Credit

Vendor Bill

Vendor Bill





A vendor bill appears as Bill in the Source Document Type column.

Bill Credit created from a Vendor Bill

Bill Credit

Vendor Bill


Bill Credit

Amortization Journal Entry created from a Vendor Bill

Amortization Journal Entry

Vendor Bill




A vendor bill appears as Bill in the Source Document Type column.

Amortization Journal Entry created from a Bill Credit and Vendor Bill

Amortization Journal Entry

Bill Credit

Vendor Bill

Bill Credit and Bill


A vendor bill appears as Bill in the Source Document Type column.

Journal Entry

Journal Entry




Vendor Return Authorization

Vendor Return Authorization



Bill Credit created from a Vendor Return Authorization

Bill Credit

Vendor Return Authorization


Vendor Return Authorization

Amortization Journal Entry created from a Bill Credit and Vendor Return Authorization

Amortization Journal Entry

Bill Credit

Vendor Return Authorization

Vendor Return Authorization

Vendor Bill created from a Purchase Order

Vendor Bill

Purchase Order


Purchase Order

Amortization Journal Entry created from a Vendor Bill and Purchase Order

Amortization Journal Entry

Vendor Bill

Purchase Order

Purchase Order

To view this report:

  1. Go to Reports > Financial > Deferred Expense Rollforward > Detail.

  2. Adjust the values for Date, To, and From.

  3. Select a single subsidiary value (not consolidated) in the Subsidiary Context filter if you have a NetSuite OneWorld account and access to multiple subsidiaries. When you run a consolidated report, the calculation of the Variance column is different.

  4. Select a value in the Accounting Book filter if you are using Multi-Book Accounting and have access to multiple accounting books.

  5. Click Refresh to apply your filters.

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