Transaction Forms as XML Definitions

Users enter transactions in NetSuite using transaction forms. You can create your own custom transaction forms by customizing an existing standard transaction form. That customization may include: rearranging and renaming fields and subtabs, hiding or disabling certain fields, hiding or renaming buttons, making specific fields required.

You can create custom transaction forms in the NetSuite application and further customize them as transactionForm objects in SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF). Custom transaction forms cannot be created in SDF. To add custom transaction forms in your SuiteCloud project, see Adding Custom Transaction Forms to Your SuiteCloud Project.

Currently SDF supports custom forms for a subset of transaction types, those that are most frequently used. For the list of supported transaction forms, see Supported Custom Transaction Form Objects.

Review the following information about working with custom transaction forms in SDF:

Benefits for Working with Custom Transaction Forms

Following are some of the benefits of working with custom transaction forms in SDF:

  • You can create a custom transaction form in a sandbox account, modify that form in SDF, and deploy that single form to a production account.

  • You can quickly customize multiple custom transaction forms and see the changes immediately after deploying the objects to a target NetSuite account. You can continue to make further changes, quickly iterating through the process as many times as necessary.

  • You can deploy the layout of a form, even when some custom fields are not yet available. Adding the fields later does not negatively impact the layout of the form. You can treat custom tabs and custom sublists similarly.

  • When a custom tab exists in both the source account and target account, you can include the form by itself with a reference to the custom tab.

For reference documentation, see transactionForm.

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