Saved CSV Import Maps as XML Definitions

In SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF), a saved CSV import map is a way for your users to transfer data sets from external applications into NetSuite using comma separated value (CSV) files. You can include saved CSV import maps in your SuiteCloud projects as savedcsvimport SDF custom objects. CSV import maps can be created using the NetSuite user interface, SuiteCloud IDE plug-in, and SuiteCloud CLI.

The savedcsvimport SDF custom object contains import options and CSV data mappings to record fields in NetSuite.

The savedcsvimport SDF custom object does not contain CSV data, and the CSV file can only be included in the SuiteCloud project as a File Cabinet file. The CSV data cannot be deployed to an account as record instance data. The CSV data is provided by your users when they make use of the CSV saved import. To prepare files for CSV import, see Guidelines for CSV Import Files.

For information about saved CSV import maps in NetSuite, see the following topics:

You should create a saved CSV import from the NetSuite user interface Import Assistant, and import the object into your SuiteCloud project. Using the Import Assistant ensures that you are mapping to valid fields. For more information, see the following:

Saved CSV import maps are composed of the following:

For more information about saved CSV import maps, see the following:

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