SuiteScript 2.x Developer Resources

SuiteScript 2.x Help

See the following help sections for information about developing with SuiteScript 2.x:

SuiteScript 2.x Internal Resources

The following internal resources are available in addition to the SuiteScript 2.x help.



NetSuite User Group

Official forum for the NetSuite community. Use the search field to find the SuiteScript 2.x board.

SuiteScript 2.0: Extend NetSuite with JavaScript

Oracle Training Course

SuiteScript 2.0 for Experienced Developers

Oracle Training Course

SuiteScript Help Overview video

Video from the Oracle Video Hub

SuiteScript 2.x External Resources

The following external resources are available in addition to the SuiteScript 2.x help.



AMD Specification

SuiteScript 2.x implements its modular architecture with the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) specification. AMD is used to define and load JavaScript modules and their dependencies.


RequireJS also implements the AMD specification.

Tutorials on JavaScript promises

Eloquent JavaScript

Free online JavaScript book

You Don’t Know JS

Free online JavaScript book series

Object-oriented JavaScript for Beginners

MDN article on object oriented JavaScript

StackOverflow – SuiteScript 2.0

Online community for developers

Related Topics

General Notices