
The following vendor information on item records is specific to item vendors.

Preferred Vendor – Select the preferred vendor for this item. The vendor you select defaults on purchase transactions for this item. When you associate a vendor with an item, the item also appears on the vendor record under the Financial subtab on the Items subtab.

This field appears only on these item types: inventory, non-inventory for purchase, other charge for purchase, service for purchase.

If you use Multiple Vendors, this field is replaced by a vendor list on a subtab where you can enter information for each vendor.

If you use Vendors and Multiple Currencies and Multiple Vendors, you can enter purchase prices on item records for each currency used by your vendors.

If you use NetSuite OneWorld and the vendor you select is shared with multiple subsidiaries, note the following. You can add the vendor multiple times and specify an item price for each subsidiary level. Adding the vendor multiple times lets you set a different item price per subsidiary on the same item record. For more information on sharing vendors with multiple subsidiaries, see Assigning Subsidiaries to a Vendor.

To enter vendor prices for an item, open the item record. On the Purchasing/Inventory subtab, select the vendor. Click the Set icon in the Purchase Prices field. Enter prices in each of the vendor's transaction currencies.

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